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My first post here...

I've been having a problem lately. It starts a few months ago, the excitement of getting a job again after 8 months of searching. I hit the ground running, and quickly earned my place within months, earned a raise and a promotion. I was happy! I went from having no money of my own to enough to live on and even started a savings account!

But it started to go downhill. I noticed foot pain after every shift, especially the really long ones (in excess of 10 hours or more non-stop.) It continued to get worse, effecting my ability to move fast (at least from point a to point b.) I fought through it, went to see doctors, tried their treatments with no prevail... all the while my condition continued to get worse. Eventually, after a shift, I was resorting to crawling on hands-and-knees to move about my apartment ... ultimately it was determined that I've developed arthritis and it's causing me foot pain, as well as spreading to my rib cage and back...

Naturally, I've been trying to cut back on my hours, which were usually acquired by taking more shifts than scheduled. My employer has been merciless, however, and continues to ask of me incredibly long shifts with no break at the drop of a hat. For example, I had a 4 hour shift turn to a 8 hour shift, to a 10 hour shift, and finally 13 hour shift in the same day. I've been giving it my all, but my work performance since I started (when I was healthy) has slipped greatly. I can barely walk, I can barely do the things I was doing when I started, and my employer has shown nothing but frustration. They call me and I try to say no when I need the rest even though no one else can cover the shifts... it has me feeling incredibly depressed because I hate being such a scrub. I really strive to be there as much as possible, to be the best I can personally be.

I don't know what to do. Part of me knows I need to take care of my health problems and bounce back, but I can tell my employer is hiring people to replace me with as I speak. I feel like I've done everything I can do to keep going, but it's been so tough dealing with the mental part of feeling inadequate and like I'm about to lose what I tried so hard to earn! I don't know where my personal effort stops, and their understanding and patience begins (at least in an ideal situation.)

Does anyone have any words of wisdom for dealing with this? I'd really appreciate it... :fluttercry:

Grit your teeth and stick it out. Talk to your employer in a respectful tone, be sure to include how humble and grateful you are for the opportunity. Then gently saw something like Richard, my doctors have told me I have a condition that only gets worse with longer shifts. I enjoy this job, so can you make it beneficial for both of us to cut back some hours on my shifts while I give it all I got. Be sure to include some great things you have done in the past, but not too many.
If all else fails, start looking for a new job that fits your health needs and is fun. Don't worry, you got this!!! I cheering for you on sidelines.

5363309 Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. I applied your advice and it's working out better now. :twilightsmile:

Woah, it actually worked!? :pinkiegasp:
Sorry I'm just, shocked.
I am happy to have helped. Keep me updated on how youre doing.

Chaos out!

Group Admin

5363294 Everybody has their limits. I would fake being sick if I was you. Tell them you have the flu or something. Don't let it get you down though. Although it may seem bad, there are millions of people out there who would kill for a job that gives them so many hours that they drop. Keep your head high and spirits higher. You'll see it work out:raritywink:

5412087 Thank you! Cute avatar, too!

Group Admin

5414423 Thanks :twilightsmile:

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