Printed Fiction Hardcopies 398 members · 710 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Ice Star
Group Admin

With season nine having wrapped up, I imagine that a lot more people might be wanting to browse some printed copies of pony books as keepsakes. There's been a lot of new titles recently. This group is certainly doing the best job at keeping track of all those titles, but there still seem to be stories missing or in the wrong folders. Certain stories with current editions in print are sorted as having past runs instead of current ones. Other titles from pony printers (Ponyfeather, Ministry of Image, etc.) haven't been added yet.

Maybe the folders in general should just be updated again?

Group Admin

Hi Ice Star :twilightsmile:,
I am with you there that something has to change. Even I, who knows a lot of what is out there in terms of MLP fanfiction books, gets lost in the folders. Do not get me wrong. It is fantastic to have such a big range to choose from. But this can be also paralyzing if you see a folder with over 200 stories which are print on demand.
A quick solution could be that collections with more than X books receive a subfolder (maybe 5 Stories). But this would still not solve the bad accessibility. It would be great when newcomer does not need to research where the fanfiction which they like can be bought. This could be solved in my opinion a with GoogleDoc spreadsheet dedicated to print on demand books. Or this spreadsheet GDoc Spreadsheet of MLP Fanfiction could be updated (last update 22.9.16). Personally I would prefer a new one.
Now to the difficult part: As fare, I know is cucharrador (the Administrator) the only person who could make subfolders. I as a Group Contributor can not do this as well as delete stories (Please correct me if I am wrong).
In terms of a new spreadsheet. I am pretty inexperienced with table programs. I could add some of the content but I can not create a functional spreadsheet by my self.

Yeah, the spreadsheet is super outdated by now. I've been keeping my own since the Bronycon bookstore announcement started being posted, but I know it's an incomplete list because it was mostly for personal use (so some titles are missing completely because I wasn't interested in them). Maintaining it is also a lot of work, and mine has way less information than the Gdoc Spreadsheet one.

Maybe I'm just remembering it wrong, but wasn't there a way to also see what folders inside a group a specific story was way back in the day? I know the feed shows it, though that's not really useful if the story/fiction itself is the starting point. Maybe it was on the stats page or something, or if you clicked "Add story to group", but even if it did exist, it was hard to use anyway.

Another thing I noticed is that usually the story itself doesn't even link to Lulu or a blogpost with more information, probably for Hasbro-related reasons, but it makes things even harder to find. And making a separate (sub(sub(...)))-folder for each print just so that we can include where-to-buy/blogpost-announcement links/info etc (assuming you can even have links in folder descriptions) would just be utter madness to create and maintain. Something like PFP's 'Friends' page could also work (like a pinned thread maybe?) but I'm not sure if only the poster can edit that or group admins as well. I think it would be useful not to have whatever we come up with depend on one single person somewhere.

Group Admin

Hi barbeque :twilightsmile:,
since my post, I was promoted from contributor to an Admin by cucharrado. After this, I have started to make my ideas with the subfolder into reality in my test group. I also hade the same idea with you with a similar list like PFP's 'Friends'. You can see the test under this Link (It is still under work, but I have finished a preview with the Ministry of Image books). I have asked (maybe not very clearly) cucharrado for input after I did the preview. But I have yet to hear back from him.

I probably do some further work on the rework of the Print on Demand folder on the next weekend. I could also start with the work on the main group if I hear from him back by them. Then I would probably crate a second Print on Demand folder. By the time it is finished the old folder could be deleted (Every Story of the old folder should be carried on to the new folder). There would be of cause also a post in the forum detailing the changes in the group.

@barbeque Do you like my new design/rework plan of the group in my test group?

The test link doesn't work for me (it 404's, editing the URL a bit so that it goes to the group instead gives me 403, so I'm guessing it's a private group and I'm not in it), so I can't really say anything about the design/rework plan. Though, the first opportunity I could actually take a look at it will probably be after next weekend at the earliest anyway.

Group Admin

Apparently the visibility option on groups also effects direct links. Now the Link should be working. I thought it only control where someone can see it in the group search or not. :facehoof:

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