Paradise Oasis Fan Group 25 members · 35 stories
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Paradise Oasis
Group Admin

Many people asked me why I put G1 first, why I decided to dust off the first generation, and stick in after G4, while most other authors do it the other way around. There are several small reasons for this; Equestria makes for a perfect 'bygone golden age' for the danger-filled world of G1, A.J. and Spike's origins lie in G4, so when the decision to make them the same characters was made, I had to frontload G4. And I wated to use G4 as the backbone for the world of my stories, since by this point it is the most well- developed generation.

But the big reason? Unfairness. How what has happened to MLP G1 is so blasted unfair.

For the past three decades. The 'big three' that have been reinvented for each generation are GI Joe, Transformers, and My Little Pony. Every other time the other two move on to a new generation, it's the same basic mythology over and over again: Autobots and Decepticons from Cybertron fighting each other, Joe VS. Cobra, and most of the characters carry over each time; Optimus Prime, Snake Eyes, Duke, Megatron, etc. Each gen of the boy's shows was basically a retelling of the first gen.

Ponyland Didn't get that privilege.

Lauren Faust claims pony was nothing but tea parties before she came along, and she made up her own stories for the characters. I say she didn't do her research. MLP had a whole world, a whole mythology, based around Ponyland from the MLP and friends cartoon series, and the UK comics. Media outside the toys had created unique personalities like wind whistler, Majesty, Fizzy, Mister Moochick, the bushwoolies, the grudles- interesting characters both pony and non-pony alike. Races like the flutter and sea ponies, enimies like Tirac and the witches. A whole developed world, ready to be revived in a new generation.

And you know what? There's not a single blasted Tea party anywhere in all of the G1 cartoon, and maybe one or two in the UK comics that ran a bit longer.

But what is G1 Ponyland's fate? Tossed aside for a brand new mythology, ignoring everything that was set up before. At least Lauren tried to use the G1 pony toy characters, but it was stopped because they wanted to reuse the G3 names and looks. (And yes, they still own the G1 copyrights, don't buy into that fairy tale- they are putting out a collector line of G1 toys this year). Instead, Ponyland is now strip mined for it's characters and mythology by both show writers and fanfic writers, taking what was in the original show, and plopping it down in Equestria without any thought to it's original context. Or the idiotic move of Making Ponyland Equestria in the past, smashing an entire generation of pony to rubble, so that EQUESTRIA can be built on it's foundation. G1 characters become villians to build FiM up, G1 ideas are ripped apart for the glory of FiM. It's all Equestria, Equestria, Equestria, Equestria! Imagine getting rid of all the characters from transformers, having a brand new transforming robot planet with a new name, new cast of characters with one or two reused names, and the only thing that it has in common with the original is the concept of transforming robots.

Yeah, kind of stupid, isn't it?

So I reversed the track, strip mining G4 to build up G1's mythology, and making G1 the focus. Believe me, while there are a few who like this idea, I've gotten a LOT of hate for reducing Equestria to rubble to build Ponyland on it's foundation. I've even got the whine from G4 fans 'b-but it's obvious Ponyland is G4's past!" NO, no it's not. There is nothing in the show to indicate G4 was once G1, there is no way Tirac and Scropan are the same characters from G1- tirac wasn't scorpan's brother, Scorpan was a human prince enslaved by tirac. There is no what Discord's buddy smooze is the same blob of terror the witches created that murdered the population of grundeland. Oh, and Tirac wasn't imprisoned by celestia, he died in G1. The whole concept of G1 being the past built upon the gen numbering scheme in the real world, nothing in universe supports this crappy theory.

If you put G4 after G1, you're creating that idae, just as much as I did putting my timeline together. there is zero support for G1 becomes G4 in the FiM show or IDW comic.

So I did a G1-centered series of stories to give the real and original MLP a chance to exist again. Not as story fuel for G4 fans to burn up writing their G4 epics (barf!), but as a story series unto itself, where I dont' have to warp the characters to fit into a G4 mythology they never belonged to in the first place. In my stories, G1, G3, and tales are king. G4 is simply the foundation Ponyland's history is built upon.

Comment posted by StormLuna deleted Jul 22nd, 2016

5376311 I don't know, some of those G4 fanfic epics are my favourites. And I also use a bit of G1 knowledge that I picked up to create Equestria's (or at least, the continent Equestria resides in) history. Didn't mean that to be an offence.

5376311 I think here in the States the MLP:G1 titles were issued on Vestron's children's division, the Children's Video Library. I even posted the opening and closing to one of their MLP:G1 tapes here. I feel up to getting them off eBay or something. Locally, I'll check to see if PDQ or Bookman's has any MLP:G1 material


Instead, Ponyland is now strip mined for it's characters and mythology by both show writers and fanfic writers, taking what was in the original show, and plopping it down in Equestria without any thought to it's original context. Or the idiotic move of Making Ponyland Equestria in the past, smashing an entire generation of pony to rubble, so that EQUESTRIA can be built on it's foundation.

I take it "The Tale of Two Sisters" isn't the only story where Ponyland is what Equestria was in the distant past?

Paradise Oasis
Group Admin


Yes, there are a LOT of others, it's almost a fanon trope at this point. I get angry comments and pm's of 'huh' because I break fanon.

Comment posted by Paradise Oasis deleted Jul 22nd, 2016
Paradise Oasis
Group Admin

If one or two fics did it, I 'd be fine. But G1 has been reduced to mythology fodder for a lot of writers. I'm rebelling against that trend.

I don't mind a few stories using the idea, I just hate it becoming almost fanon.

5376376 Fanons are subjective. You can just take it or leave it and respect those who like it or don't like it. No one should be forced to follow the most popular fanons.

For example, my personal headcanon has Queen Majesty being around years before Equestria was founded and was a thorn to the pegasi of ancient Roam who nicknamed her as Somnia Valle Regina Insanita (The Mad Queen of Dream Valley). You obviously might not like it, but that's okay, not everyone does. I have my own personal ideas of a full MLP world while you have yours, and I happen to like yours too along with other MLP worlds that put other generations in the same universe as G4.

Again, this was not an offence or a complaint but an explanation about my opinion. I hope we're still friends after this post.

Paradise Oasis
Group Admin


Not at all, I'm not angry about your opinion. This post wasn't an attack on those stories, it was an explanation about why I did the opposite of what everybody else does. Their neglect of G1 inspired me to make it front and center.

5376452 Phew, I thought for a moment that you disliked people with limited or second-hand knowledge reusing G1 into their headcanons.:twilightsheepish:

5376371 I'm surprised I haven't ran across them. To be honest, I never even thought about any of the generations being the same land prior to some disaster until I wrote "The Adventure of Two Sisters" as I had never included in any of my stories before. I have a feeling that many people make G1 simply be G4 from an earlier time in the same territory is because G1 came first. But I do get where you are coming from with Tirac and Scorpan. No way they're the same.

Lauren Faust claims pony was nothing but tea parties before she came along, and she made up her own stories for the characters.

I have a feeling she was talking about G3. I can't be sure but that is what my theory is.

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