Marblemac shipping 206 members · 21 stories
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90% of our face to face communication is nonverbal, from our attitude to our body posture. Do you guys think these two could have an entire conversation, and base their relationship off this? It would make a very cute fic either way!

With how they act that would be adorable.

4812201 They could easily have a nonverbal discussion, perhaps even go years without saying more than the occasional word.

Quiet characters are challenging to write, but it would make for a really good story if somebody could. I remember loving Let the Silence Sing (think that's the name) that is a Big Mac/Celestia fic where neither of them ever says a word at all.

4812201 If someone could write that, it would probably be awesome :pinkiehappy:

I could see them having numerous discussion with only a few words said, in one episode it heavily implied that Big Mac has had conversations like that with Applejack (except with the difference being Applejack doing a bit more talking) since we already have such an implication with family I don't see why there couldn't be something similar with a close friend or love interest of Big Mac.

4813002 I may have to give it a shot! Never written fanfic before

4815729 it would probably go like: Mac smiled at the mare, nodding once. She knew that meant "hey, how are you?" She responded by blushing and looking down, smiling shyly *not bad. I missed you*
In reply, he shifted on his haunches, ears folding slightly *aww, I missed you too*

Or something similar

4815933 I was just reading comments on this video, and I found the best one yet:

Marble: mmHmm (did you find it yet?)

Big Mac: Eyyup (nope)

Marble: MmHmm (you know, I don't normally talk to other ponies, let alone stallions, but... you just seem so attentive... like you don't need words to tell others how you really feel about circumstances, but you're always there to listen in and be there to support whoever it is that truly needs you most... I think that's really sweet... I just wish I could be more supportive and outgoing like Pinkie Pie... instead of just standing in the corner and saying "mmhmm" and hope that that'll somehow make a difference)

Big Mac: Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyup (well that's awfully kind of y'all, and you know something? y'all seem mighty fine yourself, and I don't think y'all need to be worried about nuthin, cause like applejack always says, the only pony y'all ever need to stay true to is yourself. I just wish I could be as smart and resourceful as she is)

4816010 that seems really cute! Still, remember they'd use body language a lot as well

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