Cutie Mark(ed) Crusaders 502 members · 2,623 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Group Admin

This is the first time I couldn't find a fitting CMC picture for the episode. They should gamble more..... Have a picture with them and Gabby instead!

Putting this out quickly, because we run ouf time with it! The new episode is almost upon us and here is your discussion thread for it!
Talk about everything related to "Viva Las Pegasus!", the newest episode here after you've seen it! And keep an eye on our secondary channel to see what we have in store for the occasion:

Review of the episode, written by me:

Viva Las Pegasus! Let the dice roll!

5494447 Easily the best Map episode yet :pinkiehappy:

I really liked this one. Tricking the trickster, especially them being one step ahead, is always fun. I liked how Fluttershy can keep communicating with all the animals.
And now I'm going to headcanon that Flim and Flam will owe Applejack a favor and they're going to get to do something like that again and it irritates the heck out of Applejack but they need them again.

Also Los Pegasus looks like fun.

Group Admin

Here's my review of the episode:

If you haven't yet, let us know what you thought about the episode and participate in our discussion!

Group Admin


I liked it too, though I think the map episodes of Season 5 were even better. Still, its plot full of suspense and twists really kept you at the edge of your seat, see my review. I'm amazed by this. Easily one of the best episodes of the show!


I liked how Fluttershy can keep communicating with all the animals.

Most interestingly here, the bunny Fluttershy talked to can actually speak Equestrian language and talk like ponies! When we saw Trapeze Star doing her second performance after Fluttershy and Applejack arrived, the bunny with her said "Tadaaaa!" after he came out of the hat.
The credits even name him, he's called "Bernard Rabbit":


And now I'm going to headcanon that Flim and Flam will owe Applejack a favor and they're going to get to do something like that again and it irritates the heck out of Applejack but they need them again.

This is an interesting thought! I can see that happen. What I find even more interesting is the question what they will now do with their newfound financial and economic power? Developments lately have really shown how evil and vile they are and with the power they have now, they sure are up for no good.....

Also Los Pegasus looks like fun.

Indeed. There is so much stuff to do, I really want to go there now. I wouldn't mind losing all my bits there!

Also, I just discovered that Svengallop was in the background of the episode! Sitting there all depressed and sad. Does he drown his misery in gambling?

Darn, I'm certain that's a reference that I'm not getting.
This might be Flim and Flam's reformation. They're not going to do anything truly dirty anymore; plenty of profit and money galore here and nopony is going to give that up lightly. It's when they sell the resort and move on to other things that we should worry.
Huh, didn't see that. Link / timestamp, plz?

5495723 I just want to know the name of the mare with the grey bunny. Does anyone know her name?

Oh hey, people are replying to this now. :moustache:

Episode was easily one of the greats. I really hope they make more of this style (and Saddle Row Review style as well).

Noticed this cutie in the episode: [picture]

She reminds me a little bit of Lyra. I've headcannon'd that they might be a little related.

I really like her mane!

It is quite cute how she has a little sprout on top. :heart:

Group Admin


In one of the alternate timelines Starlight Glimmer has created, we saw that they had terraformed Equestria and turned everything into their business empire full of factories, industry and such, while gleefully uprooting trees and destroying nature to make more space for buildings.
I shrugged this off when I saw the Season 5 Finale and thought these are just alternate universe counterparts that are way more evil than the Flim and Flam we know, but this was only because I was behind with the official comics and hadn't read the "Siege of the Crystal Empire" arc yet, where we see them teaming up with King Sombra and risking to doom Equestria that way, all in order to get revenge on Applejack (for just saving her family and her farm from them to boot!).
When I finally read that arc shortly before Season 6 started, it opened my eyes about them and I realized that we underestimated them so far. Seeing them again in this episode reminded me on it again.
They are subtle villains, intelligent enough to hid their evil intentions, but very dangerous and malicious.
I hold that like Applejack, I wouldn't trust them more than the distance I can buck them over. Owning this resort now won't satisfy them for long. They will soon crave more money and they will use the money they acquired from the income of the resort to get it.

Huh, didn't see that. Link / timestamp, plz?

You can see him in the background at the cafeteria when Applejack and Fluttershy get some food.


It's hard to tell if we know her name. The credits list her as "Trapeze Star", which could just be a placeholder term because even the writers don't know her name, but it also fits as a pony name, so this could really be her actual name.


Oh hey, people are replying to this now. :moustache:

I'm surprised about this too. :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy: This wasn't the case for most of the previous Season 6 episodes.....
Is it because I wrote the text for this discussion thread much shorter? Does a long text appall members of the group from paying attention to a discussion thread?
Or is it just that so many members liked this episode so much that they couldn't hold onto themselves with discussing it?
Feedback, please! :yay:

She reminds me a little bit of Lyra. I've headcannon'd that they might be a little related.

Her plant-obsessed little sister.

I've missed a few of the past episodes. :applejackunsure: but I got to watch this one with a group and its much better that way.


I'm surprised about this too. :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy: This wasn't the case for most of the previous Season 6 episodes.....

Is it because I wrote the text for this discussion thread much shorter? Does a long text appall members of the group from paying attention to a discussion thread?

Or is it just that so many members liked this episode so much that they couldn't hold onto themselves with discussing it?

Feedback, please! :yay:

Possibly, I haven't been here for long so haven't seen any of the previous threads. Maybe it's 'cause knity posts his own ones?

Her plant-obsessed little sister.


I was thinking a human obsessed cousin. Putting them together with that interest could be interesting.

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