LyraAlluse Fan Group 156 members · 819 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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5942272 I'm not sure if she's into polygamy.

I know, it was meant to be a response to the "I'm Gay for LyraAlluse Thread". Since my response was not funny enough, I might change the title.

5942301 Well, if she wasn't stressed out before, she certainly is now after all the recent sexual advances on her.

Group Admin

5942272 Well this is an interesting thread. lol


I'm guilty of sexual advances, but I play them as humor. And I usually direct them at her, even if they are subtle to the point of not even counting.

Sorry Lyra, it be the truth, you are awesome. :twilightblush:

Group Admin

5942527 I am glad that you think so. That is nice of you to say. :)

I think you are awesome too. Keep on being cool.

5942527 I'm sexually advancing on 5942430, also, but I put the blame on others so that I seem clean of it. I'm like a stealthy ninja with a secret ploy.

Oh, crap! I just gave myself out...

Group Admin

5942632 Those are some mad sneaky ninja skilz. :pinkiegasp:

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