I HATE Starlight Glimmer 143 members · 54 stories
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Pony paladin
Group Admin

I decided to tell why I dislike Starlight.

My reason for disliking Starlight is the fact that the writers made her stronger than Twilight when Starlight have no given education in magic and is most likely self taught, as someone myself who have had to teach myself on different fields I know that you will reach a wall you can't get over and Twilight whent to the best magic school in all of Equestria and had troubles with Starswirles spell, true the spell was unfinished but she was still able to complete it while Starlight was able to improve an already finished spell which is most likely on a level far beyound Celestia's level and even master it as if it was a beginner level spell, that is my reason for disliking Starlight.

Hopeful Soul
Group Admin

That's a very good reason

I can't say for sure the level and full potential of Starlight's magic, but ultimately I don't think she's stronger than Twilight, per se

She is clearly knowledgeable in magic and lore, using the name of Meadowbrooke to give her fake "Staff of Sameness" the illusion of a magical relic when it was just a stick, she claimed she studied a magical blast spell for years, and of course she was able to improve Star Swirl's time-travel spell while also altering it to give her the advantage

But truly I think Twilight wasn't willing to go all the way to stop Starlight; if she'd been willing, I think Twilight could have overpowered Starlight, if she'd been willing to kill her, at the very least hurt her

I know that's dark, but let's not forget Twilight is a princess - Her obligation and responsibility is the well-being of Equestria yet she was unwilling to take down one pony who was clearly putting everyone at risk for reasons selfish, spiteful, despicable, and childish

Twilight could have at least done something to disable Starlight's magic, and if that meant cutting off her horn, so be it

I still don't like the fact Starlight got redeemed and got off relatively scott-free

Pony paladin
Group Admin

5059192 I see, but Twilight did say that Starlight is stronger than her doing the meeting with her friends before they decided to just let her go

Dumb move if you ask me


She obviously has more talent for magic than almost anypony I've seen. My magic couldn't stop her. I had to convince her to stop on her own. Once I realized that, everything fell into place.

Twilgiht doesn't exactly say Starlight's magic is stronger than hers. Magic by itself is neutral and can be powerful but it also depends on how it's used.

Starlight is not only a powerful unicorn but she clearly has a creative (and devious) mind that enabled her to use her magic with such cunning as to constantly thwart any and every one of Twilight's attempts to prevent her meddling with the sonic rainboom

I have plans for Starlight in my own story, and while she will be redeemed (due to the insistence of my partner) she won't get off so easily in my story as she did in the show

Pony paladin
Group Admin

5059217 You got me there, but my reason for disliking her still stand and I would love to read your story since she won't get off so easily as she did in the show

5059290 I don't like her either, mind you.

I'm still a while before I get to Starlight's introduction, but I hope you'll give my work a look and find it interesting;

Comment posted by Pony paladin deleted Feb 19th, 2016
Pony paladin
Group Admin

5059303 Just sent me a link once it's ready :twilightsmile:

5059309 Here it is

Now mind you, it doesn't have a 'Human' tag but it is an HiE fic. I removed it because the 'human' concept only appears at the very beginning and is hardly ever mentioned again. I hope that doesn't ruin it for you, and PLZ remember what I said

I'm still working through Season 4 so I haven't gotten to Starlight yet

Yeah, I still don't get how a unicorn was able to overpower an alicorn.

Pony paladin
Group Admin

5059689 Thanks for agreeing

I have to wonder if this could have been a sticking point between Twilight and Celestia. I'll bet there was a very long talk between them about letting Starlight off. Princess Luna probably would have had Starlight on the whipping post if she had her way.

Pony paladin
Group Admin


Princess Luna probably would have had Starlight on the whipping post if she had her way.

and that's why Luna is best princess

5062974 Princess Celestia would still scare me though. She's less likely to flog or execute a pony, but she might do something just as bad. I can see her taking Starlight back in time with a much more powerful spell and showing her that her friend still thought of her long after he left, and then bringing her back to the present to show her a recommendation that her friend wrote for her that Princess Celestia herself had Intended to approve. After that Celestia would use the same illegal spell Starlight used on everyone in her village on her, and force her to live the rest of her life without any appreciable talent. Among ponies that each have a special talent of their own. I wonder if she realize that even though their talents differ, their potential is all...equal.

Hopeful Soul
Group Admin

5059192 That's what I did in a punishment fic I wrote for her

5064980 Actually, I would punish Starlight by cutting off her horn, making sure it never grows back, and banish her forever from Equestria on pain of death should she ever have the gall to return

Hopeful Soul
Group Admin

5065031 I also cut her horn off

Pony paladin
Group Admin

5065031 I'm pretty sure he did most of that in his story

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