Let's Make You Known! 793 members · 3,108 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Group Admin

(I’m so sorry for the delay. I moved to a new place and took a little longer than necessary to get settled.)

Your time has come, Shy Sparkle.

Your wits will be tested. The words you speak will cement your image into the minds of millions. Readers, shackled with presumptions and expectations, will observe and pass final judgement on whether you are worthy.
Worthy of their attention. Worthy of their time. Worthy of their devotion.
Will you accept the challenge of easing the audience of their shackles and bestowing upon them the gifts of your efforts? Or will you be cast aside like wet tinder, never to shine?

Or, you know, we could have an interview for kicks and giggles. Whad'ya say?

Um.... o-okay?


So, let's delve back into the very beginning. Possibly take a Freudian approach. How did you get started in MLP? Is it in some way of trying to get closer to your mother, distance yourself from your father, or a means to dealing with other uncomfortable Oedipus-like complexes that have no need to be flaunted about in a public forum?

Well, I don't actually remember. I think I was- Wait, no, I don't remember. At all. Of course it was none of the above.

How did you find this site?

I forgot. Honestly.

Goodness me.

Well, hopefully you haven't forgotten why you started writing on this site. I see you have written seven short stories, the last one, Pegasus Wings are Made of Ice Cream, was written as early as January this year.
Why did you start writing and are you still typing horse words?

I dunno.

So, how do you feel about your writings? Do you feel like you improved a lot? Are you planning to write more?

1. They're bad.
2. No.
3. No.

What do you like about this site?
What don't you like about this site?
How many derps could Derpy derp if Derpy could derp derp?

1. I don't know.
2. I don't know.
3. I don't know.

Do you do writing for other fandoms, or just writing in general?


Oh, really? What else do you like to write?
And when you write, do you like to listen to music? What kind do you listen to? Do you have a special dedicated writing spot or time, or do you just write whenever and where ever you can?

1. I just like writing.
2. No.
3. Sia's songs.
4. Just when I have inspiration and when I'm not lazy.

Alright! One more question and then you will be challenged!

Best pony?


Of course. That's everyone's favorite.

So now, your toughest challenge yet! I know you tend to be a bit wordy, but give this a shot:
Elevator Pitch
Promote your favorite story on this site and tell the lovely people out there why they should read it in only one sentence.

I don't have a favorite story. They all are good.

Alright! That was one fantastic interview!

Before we part ways, do you have anything else you wish to share with the wonderful readers out there?

I’m leaving.

Group Admin

This amused me greatly and I saw this seconds after the post was made. I just forgot to comment on it.

Are you interviewing Shy Sparkle or Maud Pie?

5381309 Oh, Oh... Oh my god! :rainbowlaugh: That was fantastic.

Group Admin

By the way, you misspelled your own name in the title of this thread. It's Lost Marbles. Not Lost Marbels.
Silly Marbles.

Group Admin

What are you talking about? I didn't mispell my own name. Take another look.

Group Admin

*Raises hand to slap you.*
Malozi no!
.... Okay, Rarity.

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