We Love Puns! 13 members · 0 stories

We all love puns here!

1. You must love puns.
-If you break the first rule you'll be banned.
2. You must be punny.
-If you break the second rule you will get two warnings and then be banned for a day. The next time you'll be banned for a week, then for a month, then for good.
3. You must not be mean.
-If you break the third rule you get one warning then you're banned for a day, then a week, then for a month, then for good.
4. You must not swear.
-If you break the fourth rule you get three warnings then you're banned for a day, then a week, then for a month, then for good.
5. You must not be inappropriate - nothing rated above teen here.
-If you break the fifth rule you get one warning then you're banned for a day, then a week, then for a month, then for good.
6. You must be a good sport. It's okay to be competitive, but it's all in good fun.
-If you break the sixth rule, you'll get four warnings (unless the argument is major - then you'll be banned for a month right off the bat) and then you're banned for a day, then a week, then for a month, then for good.
7. Have fun!
-If you break the seventh rule, we'll do our best to help you follow it!

We need a banner and an icon! If anyone would make us one, that would be great.

Remember to follow the rules, especially rule seven, and have pun!

Comments ( 2 )
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Could you please add folders? I know I've read at least a couple of fics that would probably fit into this group...

I did a theatrical performance about puns once. It was really just a play on words!

Congratulations! This group was found to be fresh. With that, a listing in New Groups was secured for it.

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