The Skeptics’ Guide to Equestria 60 members · 82 stories
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I am sorry that I work so much, but it occurred to me that I wrote a comment on the BlogPost “Friendship and Islamophobia” by Pineta which I can rework into a BlogPost here:

We should treat all people equally. I am not a fan of religion. As for religious violence, Islam is very bad —— Unlike most Christians and Jews, Muslims still take their religious texts seriously (maybe, like Jews and Christians who have pretty much the same religious texts, they will mellow out as their religion approaches its 2,000th birthday). In the US, Trump-Supporters are far more likely to kill one than Muslims (far-right-violence is more common than Muslim-Violence).

As an Intactivist (one supporting Genital Integrity and opposing sexual genital mutilation og boys, intersexed, and girls) I must point out that Moslems support sexual genital mutilation of boys and sometimes girls too. Interestingly, the Quran does not mention sexual genital mutilation at all, but most Muslims believe that it does. This is unfortunate for the victims of sexual genital mutilation, but shows that like Jews and Christians, most Muslims do not read their religious texts.

If one lives in the United States of America, one is in more danger from Sovereign Citizens, Nazis, Klansmen White Supremacists, White Separatists, or other TrumpSupporters than Muslims.

Huh. No kidding. Got a link to that study? I'm curious about the parameters, specifically what it takes to be classified as a Trump supporter or a nazi and what the numerical difference in chances is. Is there a difference between the states? Where is the chance higher: up North or down South?

Also, is death the only thing people worry about in regards to Muslim migration and integration?

I'm not sure what the point of bringing that up is. You're much more likely to die from the seasonal flu than you are from rabies, but petting a rabid animal is still stupid.

Group Admin


> “Huh. No kidding. Got a link to that study? I'm curious about the parameters, specifically what it takes to be classified as a Trump supporter or a nazi and what the numerical difference in chances is.”

Snopes reports that the right has more attacks than Muslims. Depending on how one counts victims, either could have more victims. The right attacks more and has a plausible claim form more victims.


> “I'm not sure what the point of bringing that up is.”

Just putting things in perspective. Like ShariaLaw is bad but not a problem in the USA because it is unconstitutional.

> “You're much more likely to die from the seasonal flu than you are from rabies, but petting a rabid animal is still stupid.”

Do not worry because I got my FluShot and avoid rabid animals, theists and people on the far right (Senator Barry Goldwater who lost the Presidential Election of 1964 because he was such a right-wing extremist that many feared that he might start a nuclear war would be considered a RINO (Republican In Name Only) nowadays because he is not far enough to the right).

(Blitz-editing here, because I'm having to get on and off the computer in quick sessions)
1) the article only compares it to refugee Muslims, not the consecutive generations. It's also America-only, which might not be the best standard for Muslim migration.
2) you're still dealing with the whole 'sharks have the statistical advantage of not being where we are most of the time' factor. Again, some areas of the world will get you different results, so making any judgement about Muslims as a whole is kind of iffy. But okay, you are less likely to die by refugee Muslim than by far-righter in America. Not gonna question that further. However...
3) terrorism and death are not the only things people worry about when it comes to rising Muslim populations, or even non-Muslim migrant populations. Issues of free speech, equal rights for women and gay people, the rights of those who leave the faith or of non-believers (which is kind of important to me, personally, having had some experience in the matter), oh, and the big one, applicable for non-Muslim migrants as well: whether or not they can be held accountable and be treated equally under the law, or if they become a protected class at the expense of the locals, these are currently far more pressing. Case in point: the whole Rotherham thing, the Cologne cover-up, the Swedish music festival controversy, I think they've actually found a new big case in the UK recently. Telford, it was called. The Telford grooming gang, which could operate for several years without result.

So... yeah, your answer to the question is right, but it's not the only question on the exam. In fact, it's not even one that counts for a lot of points.

I'd be more interested in an article that crunches the numbers in-depth. You know, count all the murders by clansmen, by nazis, by Muslims, and of course give us solid distinctions between the groups to identify and count them, then give us a number relative to their population to see which is more murderous. Then you'd have much more convincing case and be able to resort to far clearer language. I dunno, maybe I'll check the article's sources, but I wouldn't want to get into another friendship-ending argument, or get arrested.

Yet you make no mention of the far left, some of whom nowadays openly carry the symbol of the worst movement in history (by death toll)… the hammer and sickle. You say you're avoiding rabid animals, but do you know how to recognize one?

Group Admin


> “Yet you make no mention of the far left,…”

Violence from the far left is hardly a problem in this country now compared to the far right. It is a matter of risk-assessment.

And you fall back on the same faulty reasoning I already criticized you for. Except this time not even the premise is true. Basically every violent riot in this country is liberal in nature. Liberals send plenty of people to the hospital; it's just blind chance that they've killed fewer people than the conservatives.

Consider the June 14, 2017 baseball shooting. There were 24 congressmen on the field that day, and one (Scalise) was critically injured by the firefight; two other civilians and two police officers were also shot, and a third civilian was injured while escaping from the shooter. It took 10 minutes to take down the perpetrator. If things had gone just a little bit differently, we could have had a dead congressman… or even multiple dead congressmen. This would have been the first assassination of a sitting US congressman since 1978. Committed by a die-hard liberal activist. (The last such event was the death of Leo Ryan, killed by members of the People's Temple on the day before they drank the kool aid. The People's Temple was a radical liberal group with socialist and communist leanings. Imagine that.)

That just last year there was a nearly successful assassination attempt against U.S. congressmen by a member of the far left, yet you have the audacity to claim that the far left is ‘hardly a problem in this country’, tells me that you are either seriously misinformed, or potentially dangerous yourself.

Group Admin


You sight 1 shooting.

I simply do not see people on the far left committing mass killings (more than 4 fatalities) like people on the far right. According to the AntiDefamationLeague, from 2008 through 2017, the right is responsible for 71% of mass-killings, 26% are Muslims, and the left is responsible for only 3%. One is 8 times more likely to die in a mass killing of a Muslim and 24 times more likely from the right than the left.

> “…killed by members of the People's Temple on the day before they drank the kool aid.”

They drank poisoned Grape-Flavored FlavorAid.

The Anti Defamation League is a left-leaning group. I would expect them to say the left isn't responsible for bad things.

You sight 1 shooting.

I cited it as an example. You're acting like I presented it as a comprehensive list. Do you not know how examples work?

They drank poisoned Grape-Flavored FlavorAid.

Also known colloquially as ‘kool aid’. Similarly, some people refer to all tissues as kleenex, and all adhesive bandages as band-aids. That you feel the need to object to this as if I've made some sort of grave error that shatters my whole argument is… frankly, insulting to your own intelligence at this point.

I give up. On you, I mean. You have repeatedly demonstrated that you don't understand basic reasoning skills, despite heading a group with the word ‘skeptic’ in the name. Sayonara.

Group Admin

Ain't got a lot of time on my hands at the moment, but here's something that jumped at my eyes:

Interestingly, the Quran does not mention sexual genital mutilation at all, but most Muslims believe that it does. This is unfortunate for the victims of sexual genital mutilation, but shows that like Jews and Christians, most Muslims do not read their religious texts.

Like how the Bible says "Do not boil a calf on it's mother's milk", which I interpret as meaning "do not be fucking ungrateful", yet has spawned whole books of how it would be absolutely heretical to do less than tossing away your whole kitchen counter if your leaky, lactating breasts stain your BBQ apron.

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