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Group Admin

HapHazred and Verbose Mode have been promoted to mods again.

Distorted Flare is still a mod.

I don't want to sound like a tyrant, but if I find he has been demodded, there will be bans. Not 24 hours. Not a week, or a month, permanent.

Me and Distorted talked about this for a good while yesterday, he and I are planning on making a lot of changes to this group.

This is one solid reason why I love this group so much.:heart:

We are the mods that will work behind the scenes.

I don't see why everyone got so mad when we haven't even done anything yet.


I don't see why everyone got so mad when we haven't even done anything yet.

It also doesn't help that the new admin you chose isn't just new to running the group, but to the group itself.

Sorry about yelling at you... but really, this is kind of ridiculous.

One of the challenges that comes with being a leader.

Group Admin

Is my choice singularly ridiculous or is this whole situation ridiculous?

4527872 The situation itself, honestly. And how you've responded to it. Your choice wasn't actually all that bad; it's just the implementation that failed.

Group Admin

Y'know what?

I take full blame. Distorted Flare did nothing wrong, but my choice put a whole lot of people against both me and him.

What Hap said was true, that "I only cared about more members than good members." It was 100% true. But it wasn't always that way, y'know?

We used to do so much more here, and I only wanted to revitalize that. I was impatient, and knew Hap and Verbose wouldn't like the changes I made...

Well shit, I only wanted to help my biggest group grow even more. But it's a motto of mine that a country divided upon itself cannot stand.


We used to do so much more here, and I only wanted to revitalize that. I was impatient, and knew Hap and Verbose wouldn't like the changes I made...

That's when you should try to convince them to side with you. You do that, and I guarantee that you'll be one step closer to revitalizing the group.:yay:

Group Admin

I've already lost their trust, there's no point in trying anymore.

4527902 You say that there's no point in trying, but that's honestly not true. Talk to them. Try to show them that you wish to regain their trust.
Believe me, a group with only shaky trust between the admins is better than one where they don't trust each other at all. That shaky trust can eventually, with time, grow stronger.

Group Admin

I'll try it... when this heat dies down a bit...

Group Admin

thanks for being so understanding...:heart:

4527863 I guess this is the responsibilities that come with power...

We are the mods that will work behind the scenes.

Really, I'm just here to ask a simple question. What kind of admin do you want? In fact, what kind of management do you want?

Is that the kind of adminship you want from us? Invisible admins that pop up to delete threads out of the blue, without warning if things go wrong? Because that's what you're looking at. Unseen mods who don't care to communicate among themselves or with other users. My admin rights were removed completely without warning after I had delivered legitimate complaints about recent decisions. If you get banned, or if your thread gets locked, or if a new admin is introduced, wouldn't you like an explanation, or an introduction? A proper one?

I didn't want Distorted Flare as an admin for a reason. There has been a mismanagement on the Self Promotion Bureau which I brought to Eris's attention. Ignored. I was not even deigned with a response, or an explanation that despite this, Distorted was worth our while. Aside from:

More members, more traffic.

What a fantastic reason to hire an admin. Here are some fantastic reasons not to:

They were ignored, like I said. Not even addressed.

I do not believe it is acceptable for admins to act like a disorganized mess and not even feel the need to reason their decisions properly and publicly. I do not believe it is acceptable for admins to do things like abuse alts and then whine when people think they've made a mistake.

Now, I am equally guilty of acting like a disorganized mess, since it was with zero degree of organization that I dealt with getting demoted. But look at the threads and decide for yourself if you think something is wrong with how the 'working behind the scenes' method.

Trust is an imperative part of any community. Members have to be able to trust admins to not screw up. Admins have to trust other admins to not screw up. If you don't believe trust is lacking, then you have no problem here. If you do think that an inability to communicate, getting banned twice, and throwing rules at peoples faces without forewarning just to lock threads is unacceptable, then say so, because I can do something about it, and keep us afloat.

Group Admin

I'm just gonna say I'm terribly sorry...

4528136 I'm going to back Haphazred on this one; while I may not be very important in this group (I'm not even a contributor), I still have an opinion and I definitely know how I'd want this group to be managed. Openly and effectively.


I don't think you understand.

You've put all your powers into HapHazred. You've said out clearly, visible by all, that you would take off from this group and leave it in his hooves. And now, out of the blue, you come back in, you threaten us if we dare to critisize, you remove admin powers out of your own, chosen members, and you sincerely expect anyone to take you seriously and actually come (and stay) in this group ? Are you truly that stupid ?

The simple fact that you go banned twice for greatly deserved reasons, to punish gross mistakes you've inflicted to the face of everyone on this website, should have gotten you slashed from here. Thank the site admins it's impossible because you're the founder. HapHazred has done a million things to try and get us moving, and all around improve the group, whilst YOUR "silly" actions were dragging us down. And I speak of him because he's the leading figure here, but other peoples have done their very best to drag us out of this shithole you've digged under us.

You say you can't deal with the drama ? You're the drama. You've brought this upon yourself - and worse, upon us all. Honestly ? Back down and go away, before you make yourself anymore of a fool. Even though you obviously already are one, it never hurts to try and not show it to everyone. Get that ?

And no, I wasn't being blunt. I actually held myself back.

Just, go away. For everyone's sake.


I'm just gonna say I'm terribly sorry...

That's your answer for everything these days...

Group Admin

I have nothing else to say about this matter.

Well, I could say I'm disappointed in the reactions I've gotten. I thought this group could have told me in a less-hostile manner, bringing up facts not to shoot me with as if they are bullets. I made a group dedicated to helping people, and it turns out that I can't even help myself with it. I spent so much time and effort making it into what it is, and I left so that 4528275 <---this wouldn't be said if I had tried to do this earlier.

If the only way to get me to back down from all this was to hurt my feelings, then you've done it.

I just wish my group wouldn't be treated as a doggy bone and more like a group.

Look, none of what happened in the past matters anymore. It won't help us to remember pointless shit. But Edge's comment really cut deep into my heart. Y'know what it's like to be told to get out of your own group? After I've done so much to try and "redeem" myself in the eyes of the public just to get THAT felt like major bullshit.

I made this group to prevent that from happening. And I thought I'd get somewhere with the hope that this could be a group to topple over all otjer groups.

But let's go over this one last time:

•I add Distorted Flare as a mod

•People get pissed and hurl their anger (which apparently isn't all they have in store, so I question why they held back) at me

•I sit back and take it, and try to make order

•I get a bunch of shit about how I don't need to be here because "Oh Eris, you're a liar, you're a hater, you're a demon. You fucked up. You're Hitler, blablabla bla bla bigotry hatred edginess go away."

•I haven't told anyone off. I haven't even retaliated other than the fact that I'd ban people if they brought up the matter or demodded Distorted. Since you all love this group, you have at least tried to follow that rule.

And all this could have been prevented. I just wish people could leave it to me to call myself a fucking idiot and not point fingers to do it themselves.

Take this anyway you want, but I am not even angry.

I'm sorry, I feel like shit now, and I want to go cry in the corner until I fucking die of malnutrition.

Most of all, I'm disappointed that you all approached this like fucking D-Day.

4528136 So making one fuck up on my friends group back when I was a new admin and was instructed to lock threads until others looked at them which was my job. And moderating NSFW sites some how makes me unfit? My main question here is what is your beef with NSFW groups. Weirdly enough they still require to be moderated and whilst yeah I work behind the scenes as a moderator for some of the groups i am more active in others. Given that you seem to be getting all bent out of shape about one guy adding another as an admin hardly seems like it would warrant such a tantrum.

it is actually a little embarrassing seeing you act the way you do. you are throwing all your toys out the pram because the person who created this group decided to add someone else. Regardless if he gave power to you or not it is still and always will be Eris's group. If he decides he wants to ban everyone that is his decision. So far my biggest crime in this group seemed to be introducing myself. And because I happen to be a bit of a recluse in other groups that have more admins. So please do get to the point of this pointless rant you have and explain why you are so upset. So far I have changed nothing. have not touched anything in this group.

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