Displaced 4,437 members · 1,271 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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What does everyone categorize as a different section of displaced? Overpowered, underpowered, balanced, displaced via merchant, etc etc. And then on that note what's one of your favorites from that section?

Hm, I would categorise Displaced based off of if they are good or evil, human, humanoid, animal, or alien, displaced via merchant, length of the story, overpowered, underpowered, no powers at all, balanced, iseka'd, Displacer instead of Displaced, and the series/game/movie/book/show the character they are displaced as.

And as for my favourite category of displaced, would have to be game, human/alien, overpowered, Iseka.

I use two categorization groups:
Well-written vs Poorly-written
Going Somewhere vs Doomed to Die

The first categorization is obvious. If your spelling and grammar are off, I won't like it. If you're descriptions and dialogue are awkward or unrealistic, I won't like it. If your prose is either too boring or too flowery, I won't like it. I apply this categorization to everything I read.

The second is more specific to Displaced. Many, MANY Displaced stories are missing a very important element: a story. Many of them are just "this guy gets Displaced and f***s around" with little to no consideration for a larger and more impactful plot. These stories die as soon as the author stops having fun writing it because "a bit of fun" was all the motivation he had in the first place.

So yours is more on the spectrum of the how and why rather than the end results of the displaced character they became, very interesting. Also nice selection of favorites, I personally enjoy video game displaced as well.

That's a really direct way of saying it. One that's true nonetheless though. I can't really say anything was off about it. But everyone writes their stories their own way. However I do prefer if one finishes it if more than enough chapters are posted for said stories. Nobody likes a cliffhanger that goes on forever after all.

Sturgeon's Law says that 90% of Displaced fanfiction is crap. I need a blunt and discerning system to pluck the gems out of the muck.

One categorization I'd add to a comment above is how the Displaced reacts to the change.

"Alien world with cute pony civilization/incredible new powers? Awesome!"

A power high that will result in writing burnout if not tempered quickly. Discipline needs to be brought to this character fast.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?" Or "Stay calm, stay calm, take it one thing at a time. . ."

More realistic reactions to the whole thing, and lays the groundwork for a calmer introduction to the locals.

Additionally, there's the reaction to the new powers and abilities that come with the displacement, often lining up with the above reactions. Power high vs slow exploration.

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