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So I'm writing a new story. Involves a genetically- engineered wolf who ends up in equestria. She's been fighting in a war along humans. No they will be part of the story mainly mentioned only. Story line is still being planned planned. (suggestions are allowed). This will also be a romance. I still don't know who to pair her up yet. so thats all i guess. thank you

What kind of story are you going for here? Dark? Adventure?

That sounds interesting. What kind of genetic mods will he have? And I think if you figure out his personality, it'll be easy to figure out who you should pair him with.

This sounds interesting.

How do you get inside the head of a wolf?
What does your char think of and use his mods?


Story line is still being planned planned. (suggestions are allowed).

First of all, try to figure out what the theme (or themes) of the story is - that is to say, what the story is fundamentally about, and what you are trying to say with it. This will usually give you a decent idea of what ought to happen in the story.

More things to consider:

1: How and why did your character end up in Equestria? How is this relevant to the theme and/or plot?
2: What is the primary conflict? Is there a villain that needs to be defeated or a major crisis that needs to be resolved?
3: What are the secondary conflicts? For instance, does the character want to go home or stay in Equestria? What troubles does she face being a wolf in a land of ponies? How do the ponies view her? Etc.
4: Regarding romance, which pairing is the most thematically appropriate and/or the most relevant to the conflict or plot? Or, if you find yourself having a preferred pairing for personal reasons, how do you best apply that to the theme, conflicts and plot?

The trick is to figure out how all this stuff fits together.

4426778 Mm, bestiality.

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