Pinkemena (and not the evil one) 96 members · 19 stories
Comments ( 26 )
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I mean, sure, if Pinkamena is mostly portrayed as unhappy!Pinkie Pie, there must be something to set her in that state. But still, it's hardly the only reason to have Pinkamena in a history. I'm pretty sure that there are Adventures, Slices of Life, heck, I'm positive enough to think that there's also some good Comedies out there where Pinkamena is part of the cast.

With that in account, shouldn't be there other folders for all those Pinkamena stories out there that aren't Tragedies?

4374761 Your guess is as good as mine. I would think that a non evil Pinkamina could have a place in stories not primarily tragedy based.

Couldn't we, I don't know, reunite other member and ask the mods?

4375446 We could try, if we knew who to ask.

4374761 Over half of the stories here don't even have the 'Tragedy' tag at all which tells me that the ones who are in charge here (that are still active) don't care anymore.

There's one mod, and it sounds like she has more or less left the site.
Unless someone wants to PM her and ask to be made a mod, that might be all we get.

4377021 Well, I don't think there's much we can do in that case, unless she officially resigns from the role and agrees to let a different member take charge of the group.

4377021 The FAQ says that we could (potentialy) bring group issues to a site admin. It doesn't specify exactly if this issue in particular applies though.

4377199 I don't think it does. Besides, without the group moderator, there's little we can do.

I know this may sound extreme, but what if we take the Bender Solution? Start again, without typos and with at least three mods? I mean, I've seen groups starting with less people than this, and I'm positive enough that we can make this work if we work together.

So, what do you say?

I've seen that done a few times.

4378586 I think we should at least try to get ahold of BewhoUr first. If she doesn't respond then okay.

Wellm ftLoA has a good point. Who wants to PM BewhoUr?

Not it!

I don't know if anyone else already has, but I sent her a PM about it. Guess all we can do is wait and hope.

4379938 :facehoof:

Don't be like that, you know it was sarcasm. :trollestia:

Tell us once or if you have an answer.

4380356 Well, if I'm the only one who sent her a PM then we're on our own 'cause she didn't respond to me.

4412372 Well, I don't know if we can start a similar group to this one. I think we're gonna have to PM a mod like Knighty, and see what they think.

:raritydespair: and she was on seventeen hours ago, too!

AFAIK there are no rules against starting new groups unless they're specifically hate groups against someone real. I saw someone do this before when the Twist group died and again when the mod of X becomes a changeling rage-quit the fandom. They formed a new group and posted a thread in the old one informing the active members.
And if someone does start a new group, can the title be spelled 'Pinkamena' instead?

So, we're on our own here. Who wants to be a moderator?

I would like to, but I'm afraid that I'm not really a responsible guy and my spare time is scarce at its best.

4413050 I suppose I could be a moderaor if no one else wants to be one.

4412940 Ah yes, a good idea.

Okay, I could make it, since I check FiMFiction on daily basics. We still need two mods.

Say, anyone here feels partial to an specific name of just "The not evil Pinkamena"?

Okay, it's up, but I have no idea on how to upload the image since everything I put there crashes.

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