Story Standards 268 members · 189 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

Okay, I read the story. I had to step back for a bit, because it was like a slap to the face that caused me to lose my ability to even for some seconds. What Happens When Stuff Happens, indeed.

Genre is Random. Just Random, and Random alone. Funnily enough, a long-gone cat I had was also named Random. Huh.

Wordcount is 1,131 words long. Short one-shot, around the same length as Discord Kicks Fluttershy in the Dick.

Grammar: 8/10, had some typos, but not too many.

Characterization: 2/10, it was as if the characters were cardboard.

Use of show canon: 1/10. Most it mentioned was Golden Oaks being a tree-library.

Plot consistency: 1/10. All it mentioned was stuff happening like somebody fired machine gun artillery at me.

Coherence: 1/10. I barely, barely understood it.

Extra things depending on genre: 10/10. It actually followed Random in the clusterfuckery sense to a T. Hit me in the gabber like the Mighty Oak. It has no OCs, no touchy topics, or anything else to speak of, unless a meme reference or two count.

And now, the verdict. This story failed, with a 38% out of a needed 75%. The problem with this work is that it had so little for me to work with; it was basically scarcity material-wise galore. Oddly enough, it has a high rating. Still, not my cup of tea. I'm not sure if the scarcity was intentional or not, but nonetheless, it is sorely lacking. Sorry Chap, but this one didn't make the cut.

Edit: math updated.


[Firmly Rejected]

Do I win anything?

Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

5633797 A chance to slap me right across the face with a sizzling grease-filled skillet, that's what.

Uh... I mean...
...If that's what you want... :twilightblush:
Sizzling, you say?

Dragonborne Fox
Group Admin

5633839 Yes, please. Give me third degree burns, too.

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