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I'm trying to get as much advice as possible, so I'm also posting this here. Because my Mom can sometimes be stuck in her ways when she thinks she's right. And I need all the help I can get.

I was just talking to my Mom, and I was showing her some fanart I made of two of my favorite characters from Attack On Titan, and I was just rambling about why I like them so much, and when that happens I get really excited and I smile a lot and get really animated. And then she said: "I wish you were this obsessed with real people."
And I got super confused, because, I am? Just because I find joy in one thing, especially fictional, doesn't mean I can't find joy in another thing, reading, writing, and drawing are just passions of mine. But I still prefer hanging out with real people to fictional characters, and I think she thinks that because I'm so obsessed with books and anime and all of that, I think she thinks it's an illness or something because after she said that I replied: "I am! And it's not an obsession, I have plenty of other things on my mind other than my books!" And I do. I think she's just choosing not to see it. Because I happen to have formed a rescue behavior to my Mother, my GrandMother, my GrandFather, and my Friend. And I've explained this to her as well. Sure I don't go on and on about how great they are, but I try to protect them and do what they ask of me. And when I say protect, I mean PROTECT. I once nearly punched my other friend because she was being mean to my Friend (Who I have the rescue behavior on), and one time my Mom had to physically restrain me from getting out of the car, on the highway when we got hit by some asshole, when I wanted to confront him, because I was afraid she had been hurt, I always defend and aid my Grandparents. So, I don't show it in the same way, but I am, and yet, conveniently enough, she just FORGETS that WHOLE THING.
Then she told me: "Honey, obsession is OCD. That's why you're going to therapy."
And I do have OCD. But for cleaning. I have an intense fear of dust and dirt. DUST and DIRT. Okay?
So I was shocked. And only because FANGIRLING IS NORMAL?? I could've told her about all the K-Pop fans who go way beyond me just rambling on about my favorite characters. It's not the same "obsession" as my OCD, they're two totally different categories of obsession.
So I guess my question is:
How do I explain that to my Mom?

Thanks for reading,

...Which two characters from Attack on Titan? Reiner and Levi?

6874626 I really don't know how to put it in words, mainly because I've never been put in that situation before, but hopefully you can convince your mom to understand. Also, a side note, that bit about you going to confront people who try to hurt those close to you? I'll admit it, you're braver than I am; I hate confrontations, and I do everything I can to avoid them, I don't like being thrust into the spotlight like that. Regardless, best of luck to you about your mom.

Levi and Erwin. :twilightsheepish:

Yeah, I get that. Usually I hate being thrust into the spotlight as well. But when it comes to them, I have no idea what happens. Something just kinda goes off in my brain and I’d really do anything for them.

6874728 Sounds pretty noble to me

Alright, kid. First of all, if you want to help your image with your mother, you should cool that hot head of yours. Any decent person would be concerned for the safety or honor of a family member, but it sounds like you take it a mite too far.

More to the point, you may want to stop trying to get your mother to understand. From the sound of it she is one of those people who does not care to hear any facts contrary to their own skewed perceptions. I never met her, but I'm willing to bet that she also acts like you do not know what you're talking about when you present facts that conflict with her views.

I know that it sounds kind of hopeless, but you are probably going to have to find a different way to relate to her. As for the fangirling, I would recommend spouting off to a friend with common interests.

Thanks. I know I do get angry but only when something happens to them, because there’s been a lot that has happened. My mom got punched in the face by her sister, and had a stapler thrown at her head by a student, was shoved into a blackboard by another student, etc. So you know, it’s kinda of hard to hold back when something bad happens to her when there was nothing I could do when those things happen.
Maybe I should try to stop. But what I don’t understand is, if it makes me happy, and I like to talk about it, if it makes me smile, why should I give up talking about it? You know? I do talk about about it to my friends who share my interests, but sometimes they’re not around to talk when I learn something new, or write a story, or draw art. So I just tell my Mom about it.
And yes, while my Mother is usually reasonable, sometimes she has trouble seeing things from another point of view. Even when I refute with factual information. But I feel like most parents do that? IDK. Do they?
Anyway, thank you for the advice. I will try to be more cautious about my temper.

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