-Do not attack other groups.
-Do not troll in the forum.
-Respect other people's beliefs.
-Do not harass another member of this group.
-Do not harass authors, no matter their beliefs.
This group is dedicated to the Chaos God Nurgle, however, any 40k and fantasy stories can be added.
Father Nurgle is the greatest of the Chaos Gods! We need no blood sacrifices like mean old Khorne. You don't have to wear ridiculous brightly coloured outfits and rape everything like that whore Slaanesh. And you don't have to be a pawn in one of Tzeentch's schemes. All you have to do is give Papa Nurgle all of your undivided love.
Look how much fun we have!
Father Nurgle is always cooking up new wonderful gifts that he can share with the Galaxy.
Our Death Guard will keep all the meanies away!
I am sorry but I don't know who father nurgle is.
*Still not affected*
367616 Hmm............ Well, I guess there is only one thing I can do then. *Walks over to you and gives you a big hug*
Uh, what drugs are you on?
Nothing is happening.
I said before, I'm a Meta-Commissar. I cannot be injured or illed.
367613 wait for it *boils appear on your hand, your skin starts to become leathery and you start coughing up phlegm and blood* See! You have been blessed with Nurgle's many gifts!
*Touches Nurgle. Nothing happens.*
367608 Your powers are no match for the love of Father Nurgle!!!!
I'll just use my Heavenly Meta-Commisar powers.
367561 Don't make me send Typhus after you.
367569 The diseases are gifts from Papa Nurgle. If they accept and cherish Papa Nurgle's love, all the pain will disappear.
I do so love how you make your enemies die slowly and painfully from the rot and disease! Too bad that kind of stuff will be wiped out after the consumption of the galaxy...
I'm too important to the Heavenly creators.
367558 I have too many of Father Nurgle's wondrous gifts for medicine to "cure" me. Here let me give you some of his gifts right now. *Afflicts you with Nurgle's Rot*
*Slathers you multi-versal grade antibiotics. It has maximum effect.*
367542 Ah, a servant of the false emperor. Even you are welcome to Papa Nurgle's many gifts.