Daisy Chain 44 members · 9 stories
Comments ( 19 )
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Group Admin

Here is all the information regarding Round 2 of Daisy Chain, I call this the 'Writer's Favourites Round', allow me to explain why as well as any new changes for those that are unaware.

Round 2 will still use much of the same rules as Round 1, however there are 2 keys differences that cause these rounds to be very different. The first is the order of writers (see below for new order), the second is the 'formulae' for each ship. Where Round 1's ships were all Mane 6 x non Mane 6, this round will be using a new group of 6 instead of the Mane cast, this new group was determined by using all the writers top 3 favourite ponies and using the 6 most frequent amongst the writers preferences (see below for new list). So for round 2 the ships will be: writer's top 6 ponies x anyone but the writer's top 6 ponies.

If you are not currently a writer and would like to be, join as quickly as possible so that you can have fun with all the different rounds we come up with in the future.

Now on to the most important part, the lists. As Ward282 is our final writer for Round 1, he will be prompting the first writer of Round 2. Something you must keep in mind Ward, the story must fit the new formulae, so if the pony that has to be there is a member of the new group, you can prompt anypony except for those 6, however if the pony that has to be there in not a member of the new 6, you must prompt one of those 6 ponies

New Order of Writers (subject to change if more writers sign on):
Dawn Gem

I'd say this is a very nice order, it allows every writer to prompt and be prompted by a different writer, plus UB can get revenge on Crows for the crazy ship he received last time :twilightsheepish: Can you believe this was actually completely randomized? It worked out rather well really :twilightsmile:

New list of ponies made from writer's favourites (in order of most favourite to least favourite of the top 6):
The Great and Powerful Trixie (was there ever any doubt? :trixieshiftleft:)
Princess Luna
Time Turner/ Doctor Whooves (use whatever name you prefer)
Lyra Heartstrings

Interesting bunch we got here. It'll be the first time we use guys for our ships, and the first time we use an alicorn or non pony, so very nice group. Who will they be shipped with? Nobody knows, but it'll be fun finding out :raritywink:

Group Admin

It would be interesting to see where the other ponies/non-ponies are in the above order.

Group Contributor

This should be fun

Group Contributor

Everyone else picked Trixie too :pinkiehappy: Also I see there is Discord on the list! I would love to write Discord. Not quite sure how I would ship him but I guess I'll cross that bridge if I come to it!

Group Contributor

I'm surprised at Spitfire.

Group Admin

3480930 by other ponies do you mean the ones people voted for who didn't make the cut? Cause they're all kind of at bottom :twilightsheepish:

3481228 agreed :ajsmug:

3481346 Yeah, who could have guessed Trixie would be the popular pony :trixieshiftleft: As for Discord, you just better hope one of the writers before you prompts him

3481417 As was I. I personally prefer Fleetfoot when it comes to the Wonderbolts, don't know why just like her

Group Contributor


The only two ponies that I found odd are Spitfire and Lyra.
It always seemed like Soarin was the more popular of the Wonderbolts, and everyone is so caught up in LyraBon as "Canon".

I really did expect to see Mac on the list.

Group Admin

Aren't there 6 Wonderbolts or is it just three (or three we know about) I think I may have spent too much time on FimFiction and forgotten the episodes

Group Admin

3483314 I guess with the people we got Spitfire was more popular, plus I guess it's kind of good we have Lyra cause now we can write a couple shipping stories with her that won't be Lyrabon. Personally I've always wanted to see her shipped with other members of the background 6, I mean you've got Vinyl, Octavia, Time Turner, and Derpy, any one of those could be interesting mash ups.

Who do you think it might be interesting to ship Lyra with other than Bon Bon? And who's your favourite Wonderbolt? :trixieshiftright:

Big Mac was actually 7 I believe, so he was close. I have actually been thinking about what to do when Round 3 comes round, 'cause Ward and me have discussed something which could be interesting but it doesn't have to do with the group of ponies themselves (I tell you more about the idea later), so we kind of have 3 options for the Round 3 group, one make a new group of six the same way as this one but everyone chooses new ponies, two go with the ponies who didn't make the cut for Round 2 , three go with another preset group of 6 e.g. background 6. I guess we'll decide what we're doing in that regard later.

Wrangle Wolfe
Group Contributor

Well, I'm fashionably late as always...:duck:

I went into crazy fan-girl mode when I saw Discord's name up there! Deeeeaaaaauuuuggghhhhh!:rainbowlaugh:

Aww... no Big Mac...:fluttercry:

Group Admin

3483492 I've done that before too :twilightsheepish: I think there are 3 main ones (Spitfire, Soarin, Fleetfoot), but then there are a few background wonderbolts who have been given names from fans, 'cause as you know we give name to every single pony :rainbowlaugh:

3487450 Discord should make any ship hilariously crazy :twilightsheepish:

Like I told DS, Big Mac came 7th, depending on which way we go he might be in Round 3


3481346 I am truly sorry:pinkiecrazy:notreallyactualy

Sounds interesting! I can't wait for the stories to come out! :pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor


So we still doing this or what?

Group Admin

3753652 indeed, I actually sent Crows a message a little bit ago asking about his progress, hopefully he's almost done but I'll let you know how things go.

Also, how would you feel about doing a Daisy Chain Christmas Special? It's just something me and Ward were talking about, it would be something along the lines of a story based around some event (probably hearths warming related) each chapter is written by a different writer and about a different ship, but it's all happening at around the same time (that way writers could intertwine their stories if they so choose)

Group Contributor


Would be fun.

Group Contributor


So we dead or what?

Group Admin

4220736 not quite dead, have been unable to work on my story for a while, but should hopefully be done soon, plus I told the next writer what my prompt was, so they could get a head start on theirs as well.

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