Comment Driven Stories 54 members · 31 stories
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What If...

This here's a weird-as-heck story about nearly anything and everything (so long as I actually know what you're talking about)! Got an idea? Comment it in the... uh, comments, and have a go at getting your idea pulverized by the keyboarding skills of the sleep-deprived author that is Mister Sir Tonkalonkus, Overlord of Bread!

We've got:

  • Potatoes! People like potatoes, right?
  • Plans for world domination!
  • Spiraling tumbles into insanity!
  • Sleep deprivation!
  • Cookies!
  • Running gags!
  • Flim and Flam stealing your sanity and selling it back to you at the low, low cost of your firstborn child! Buy one sanity today and get another, free! Terms and conditions may apply. See fine print for details. haha you thought there was fine print? you gettin' scammed.
  • I N S A N I T Y !
  • Sneak peeks at upcoming stories!
  • Story concepts open for anyone to snag and use!
  • Dead memes!
  • And much, much more!
EWhat If...
A buncha stories based off of random "What if?" questions. Eight years old and one thousand chapters long. Holy crap. BROKE THE 1000 CHAPTER LIMIT WITH A 1001ST CHAPTER!!!
TheMajorTechie · 147k words  ·  463  58 · 8.6k views

Side-effects of What If may include any of the following: high blood pressure, loss of hearing or vision due to hypersonic explosions indicative of reality collapsing on itself, transforming into a pony and being sucked through your screen, Pinkie Pie haunting your dreams, becoming one with the spuds, discovering mold in places you didn't know existed, yeeting your phone halfway across the room, being possessed by Starlight Glimmer and sent careening into a war-torn alternate Equestria with the task to eliminate a superweapon before it is ultimately used to destroy reality as we know it, smelling french fries, and the sudden sensation of petting a non-existent pony. Please ask your doctor before taking What If. We are not liable for any loss of sanity caused by the use of What If.

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