Padded Ponies and Adult Foals 1,304 members · 968 stories
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Group Admin

There's a person on FIMFiction who's looking to do a written version of Hodge Pogue's "Crinkle Pony Adventure Game". If you're interested in the project, read 'this link' here. If you're interested in helping out, 'MaskedPony' is looking out for any pony to help out with the project. I personally have no idea if I'll take a big part in the project, but it'd be really appreciated if you all help! :twilightsmile:

3786608 Considering the head of the project is the same person who wrote "Friendship is Crinkly":

3786942 We have a couple of people helping us, but we are looking for additional help, so far we have people like Scribe feather in the project (Scribe is in temporary till he decides if he wants to stay)

Would it kill you people to at least ask us? I'm not difficult to find online.

This sort of thing isn't even necessary since we already have internal writers (more talented then me I promise you) interested in doing a written side project. And our game is just a silly adventure platformer that isn't intended to be taken seriously.

As a warning, Hodge has already admitted to willfully manipulating his artists and writers (myself and a friend included, and we have the game script to prove it). Going incognito in his IRC will usually yield the conversation turning to how stupid his non-4chan contributors are at some point or another. Don't expect him to be appreciative of your efforts.

Oh, and you're late on the Alternate Equestria in diapers thing. I've already done two RPs and made an opening for a Mindset and Tinker story involving just that.

Backup, you are never going to let that go are you?

As stated multiple times the reason we dropped you twice is because you have no idea how to work with people even by my low standards and you desperately need to learn some tact. This isn't your solo project, stop treating it as such.

This game is a group effort and we like to have fun with it. I will not let the game get poisoned by a people that throws a tantrum every time their pet idea is reject. I freely admit my writing is mediocre at best, which is why I allowed you and your friend a second chance and I allow more experienced writers (that don't have anger issues and take everything personal) to lead the writing efforts.

I understand the game is far from perfect, but what I value is the people working on it having fun, improving and having their opinions heard.

I am well aware that you disagree with this approach, but I will not be changing it just because it doesn't please you.

Also, please stop visiting that #diaperponies irc chat and telling every writer that isn't you, that they are horrible writers because you don't like their writing style.

>Don't know how to work with people
>Says the guy who preempatively blocks without any attempt at discussion in the hopes the people he tried to screw over would just give up
>Says the guy who used free help to make a deadline after promising creative control as bait
>Says the guy who openly admitted to manipulating his contributors to get what he needed from them
>Says the guy that calls his free help 'faggots', 'retards', and insults them behind their backs
>Says the guy who has now lost the support of two existing artists and one who was interested in contributing
(He lost Fillyscoots and Kurika, folks, not exactly no-namers in our little niche)

You know what writers are good at? Planning. It's an integral part of the creation process. Too bad you're a bad writer, eh? Might have realized a two-bit two-time was going to leave you without more than just two writers.

Spare me, you honestly need to take a step back from this. I told you exactly why you were not wanted on the project.

I would highly suggest you stop wasting your time trying to tell people on the project that we don't value their efforts.

Fillyscoots is still with us and we allow him to do his own thing and take care of his job, art and tumblr. Kurika never official joined us, but said he might do a image down the line. I still have friendly chats with Kuri and respect him as a artist. I don't think this project will be suited for his interest but if he would like to do something down the line I am open to that.

I'm going to stop communicating with you, since at this point, its just arguing with an angry person.

Daxn #9 · Nov 11th, 2014 · · 1 ·


Masked, before you can embark yourself in such a project, you have to consider that everybody is very, very weary of you and your writing skills. Also, such a project takes time and dedication. Lots of it.

YOu can't expect to go on, and pick up the first guys sayign "yes" in the street, make them write, and then make them write something is either decent or appeals to somebody. Plus, you kind of picked up the last people you would want to have in a Group project involving more than two people.

Also, according to my sources, you can't get a clue, since you wished for me to join your project.

3787672 I know what you mean, but this one will be great. And I do get a clue, I have a learning disability.

3787469 I am not making it based off your game, I should of been clear with Oliver that this fic isn't related to your game (I would never do harsh things and steal) If you like, you can see the storyboard if you like :twilightsmile:

3787479 This one is different, I already have a story board made (more things being added)

I'm sorry, but, why does this need people to help it? I mean, I literally have a roleplay going on with a friend that is basically this plot synopsis but is with Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara. I mean, feel free to tell me what this actually encompasses, cause the idea overall sounds a bit, meh to me. I'd consider helping if I was given a better understanding of it, and this is after looking at the help wanted page, which is pretty confusing.

3787826 If you like, I can give you a preview of the storyboard me and the crew our following (it's under development also)

3787955 Sure, hopefully it'll make some more sense there.

3787980 Alright. This actually makes less sense now that I've read through that.

3787984 You don't need to worry. This is just summarizing the parts. :twilightblush:

3787990 Well, then maybe you can answer me this and if you can I can give you my answer on if I can help or not. Why is it that just because D universe has diapers that all this crazy shit is happening there? Or better yet, why D universe has diapers in the first place?

3787995 Basically, just think of it as a Multiverse, Basically that universe had a serious problem with toilet development that ended in the toilet production to shut down due to massive problems, Celestia had developed the Diaper Decree during the year the production of toilets was cancelled.

3788023 So, your saying everyone was just like. "Well toilets aren't working. Let's just use diapers, it's not like we could just go in a hole in the ground right, or on the ground?"

All you've done is change the context, otherwise you're just recycling all the 'Game Over' screens from it with some barebones plot to link them.

They're bloody horses. Their vegetarian diet not only results in crap that doesn't smell but is also highly nutritious for plant life. And you don't need to develop toilets to dig a hole in the ground as Lulshi said; outhouses are already canon in the show after all. There is no logic or thought behind the entire basis of your story.

3788102 like I said, I didn't steal. You have to be completely dumb and an idiot to steal and take credit for it what is not yours. The fic won't be related to Super Crinkle Pony Adventures, or Super Crinkle Pony Adventures Halloween. It'll be impossible for me to write a fic oft it. Project Padded will take place in a Multiverse (Alternate Universe) and will be unrelated to HodgePodges game. I should of been more detailed. Derp

You didn't steal, you appropriated and "drew inspiration from" and other such terms. What matters is the similarities and the fact that your writing is, frankly, even worse than the game's, which is no minor feat. I notice you completely ignored my explanation as to why your plot literally makes no sense as well. There's a painfully easy (if clichéd) solution that would require almost no changes on your part to fix it, but I'm not going to spoon feed the answers when you never bothered to look for them in the first place.

3788102 Now you know how I feel. I mean, just putting everything into diapers and calling it AU is not very creative, and neither is simply reverseing the mane six's personalities. When you use the AU tag, a little creativity goes a long way.

3788240 I am actually going to reverse the mane 6s personalities, I have to thank Daxn for giving me an idea so this fic could be amazing.

Ouch, shots fired.

Anyway, MaskedPony, I don't really see the problem with you writing your story. I talked it over with Hodge, and I made a point that the similarities between our game and your story are vague at best, mostly due to yours being a paragraph outline and the game being a nearly completed product. I'm sure once you flesh it out a bit more it'll be a fine piece of writing, no need to change anything for our sake or anyone else's.

We look forward to seeing what you can do with your project!

3788303 Thanks. Good luck on Super Crinkle Pony, I love that game btw.

Yes, if you wanna do your own thing go ahead MaskedPony.

Well, we're sorry you didn't like the game, Backup. It's hard to please everyone, but based on the universal praise we've recieved I feel like we're doing a fairly good job on our own! Hopefully, once we remove the placeholder dialogue (left in due to time constraints and my internet cutting out for 3 days) and replace it with our current writing, we can change your mind!

3788371 Thank you for allowing me. I was kinda worried you might ask me to not make the project.


That doesn't make it amazing, that gives you an easy way out of actually attempting to write them in-character. That's the point where you might as well not even have the same character names because they don't even resemble their original incarnations.


You mean the placeholder writing you based off of our script, the placeholder writing that was so atrocious even Microsoft Word would have had a red squiggle every other paragraph? "Place holder" is when it's a first-draft and still needs tweaking for sentence flow and syntax, not when you didn't run spell check because your right mouse button was sticky from all the one-handed typing.

Dark, I respect you and Lysis as writers. However, you were removed from the project because we do not believe the writing we received from you was consistent with our direction for the game.

You were given a separate document to write on along with Lysis, which is still in my possession. If you want to compare it to our current alpha for the main Crinklepony game, you'll find that there no similarities, we simply rejected everything you and Lysis wrote.

I feel like it's necessary to point out that the only reason I'm discussing the main game is because you were removed before the Halloween version's development had even begun. With no claim to anything in the Halloween game, I'm having a hard time picturing why you are frustrated about something that you had nothing to do with.

As for the quality of the writing and other bugs in the game, I do not know how to make it any clearer: due to a time crunch and our one programmers fatigue, a lot was left out and mistakes were made that we are rectifying. Period.

If you would like to discuss it it further, message me on skype. Throwing tantrums on public forums and messaging our dev team behind our backs is no way to behave.

3788998 I agree with you dude, I mean hell, If I was part of the project, I would follow the direction. Besides I'm starting to think the formal writer/co-worker of your and Hodges game is acting like kindergartner who had his toys taken away

>Dark, I respect you and Lysis as writers. However, you were removed from the project because we do not believe the writing we received from you was consistent with our direction for the game.

[2014-11-01 11:11:27 AM] hodge podge: thats getting addressed right now
[2014-11-01 11:11:37 AM] hodge podge: you were listed on the game
[2014-11-01 11:11:44 AM] hodge podge: okay
[2014-11-01 11:11:48 AM] hodge podge: this DOES NOT
[2014-11-01 11:11:52 AM] hodge podge: leave this chat
[2014-11-01 11:12:06 AM] hodge podge: captain/dandy is a huge concern right now
[2014-11-01 11:12:53 AM] hodge podge: he has a bit of a self-esteem issue going on right now
[2014-11-01 11:13:50 AM] hodge podge: Everytime I bring you two up he is very dismissive.
[2014-11-01 11:15:38 AM | Edited 11:15:53 AM] hodge podge: The #diaperponies people are like that to since we are from different communities so officially adding both of you as writers has been a headache. And at some point I am just going to have to say IDGAF if people hate it.

Say again?
Oh, and I can screencap it for you as well. That's but a taste of the vinegar he honeyed for us.

3789797 Stop acting like an 8 year old. You need to stop making a big deal over it.

Well, my question was never answered so I'm not going to help. Hope you do well with your story thing.

3793274 At this point, all we can do is hope for the best.

Do you know the details of the situation? No? Then don't pretend like you do. My friends being insulted, my work being stolen, my trust being abused, these are things that are well-worth "making a big deal over".

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