Daring Do and Ahuizotl 281 members · 60 stories
Comments ( 81 )
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I figured. But that's why I say, what shipping wars? There's only one ship, so there can't be a war. What is this DaringDash you speak off? It is non-existent heeeheeehee

Wait, what is... Dafuq is that?
I'm confused. Hue? And what's with the rage face in the middle haha

This may help.
"Hue" is the Portuguese equivalent of "ha."
I was using it to be somewhat sarcastic laughter.

Oh, that's cool; like "jaja" is the spanish equivalent to "haha". Haha, sarcasm! it makes the world go round!
Are you Portuguese? I'm Peruvian. (but live in the U.S)

I'm the sort of paranoid nutcase who will do his best to hide all information about himself on the internet.
I'm still waiting for the DarZotl fic where Daring Do and Ahuizotl get stranded on a desert island.

Oh ok. It's fine, I understand. I used to be that paranoid, (perhaps I still am a little) the people I edit for and collab with don't know where I live, I usually ask them so I can figure out the time differences and stuff.

Haha, wait! I never promised such thing :pinkiegasp:
that would be interesting to read. Why don't you ask DemonWriter, she'd prob write them a lot better than I could. I could see if maybe anything comes to my mind. wbu, why don't you write something?

Oh, I wasn't asking you to do it. :rainbowlaugh:
I was waiting for some newbie to write it and instantly become a celebrity.

I know you weren't, but the way it was worded left it somewhat open to interpretation so I decided to have a little fun with ya :trollestia:
hehe, why wait for a newbie to write it and get all the fame and glory for themselves? when it could be you :raritystarry:

I tend to not lean in the direction of writing ship fics, I figured out I wasn't that great at it. Plus, since I'm a weirdo, I feel really awkward when writing romancey stuff. Don't know why, but I just do. I like to tease though, small cute things that could be interpreted one way or the other. It's why I like writing characters that have close friendships. They can be a lot more intimate than others can, so I have more material to tease with.

For example, take my bestest friend in the whole wide world and I: while watching a movie I was leaning on the armrest, and at one point she leaned over and rested her head on mine. Does it mean we're in love? Pft, no; it's just something only really close friends can get away with, but if that were in a fanfic or something people with shipping goggles could interpret it as that if they wanted to.
Those are the type of moments I like to include in my fanfics. Which may also be why I like writing fluff scenes between close friends.

(sorry for that random little ramble, just kinda felt like discussing writing styles/techniques. So wbu, how/what do you like to write?)

Well, I don't write much MLP fanfiction (My specialty is Wings of Fire, ever heard of it?), but I do ships, antagonist backstories, and pretty much everything.

really, interesting. Well I don't exactly write much for mlp, I do have basic ideas and full thought out stories. I just haven't really written a lot of them down. Wings of Fire? hmm, can't say that I have.

Oooh, backstories are always a lot of fun. It's one of my favorite things to do.
I suppose I could write shipfics, if only I just didn't feel so damn awkward while writing them :ajbemused: oh well, I'll hopefully get over myself soon, suck it up and just write them.

I love backstories so much.

they're just so much fun, it's just a world of possibilities :pinkiehappy:

And you can have Daballeron shipping in backstories!

precisely my friend precisely :raritywink:

I like the sound of that ship name, I think I may adopt it from now and forever. It's like its official name now.

When no one else uses it, and we invent it, it becomes the official name. :yay:

Sweetness :yay:

wait... how does that?- ah never mind, it doesn't matter

Well, there are a few exceptions, but not many.

wait for what? I'm even more confuzzled now...
but that could also just be my sleep deprived mind to tired to comprehend anything at all :applejackconfused:

A few exceptions for "first come first serve."
In the end, it's the most popular name.

Comment posted by Leapingriver deleted Jan 11th, 2014

Ohhhh, ok yeah I see what you mean ^^
Well yeah haha, for now it is since only two people know of it's existence

Don't be so sure...
There are probably people reading our comments doing this:

Le gap *looks over shoulder* ok, I'm safe ^^. Perhaps, I don't know, it's two pages of comments; don't know if anybody would actually read through them all haha.
What if they don't have mustaches? What will they twirl? The horror!

Oh yeah, here's another DarZotl story with a bit of a different taste:
Temporary Hiatus


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Here some more Daring Do X Ahuizotl pics.:

Dash's face is worth more than all the rings put together.

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