The Hero... Sunset Shimmer??? 974 members · 536 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Group Admin

When I started this group, we were a few months past the release of Equestria girls and starting up into season 4. Then a year later on September, we were graced with "Rainbow Rocks" and all it's good cheesy music, reference galore, and Sunset Waifu-ness.

But it's been almost a year once more (and no theater release this year! I has a major sad about that!) when I suddenly had a thought.

Has this archive been made obsolete?

The purpose of this archive was to be a central point for people to go to if they wanted to find fics about an a good Sunset. Hasbro and DHX gave us a movie that ends up about her being so.

So if cannon sinks ships and destroy's headcannons, does that mean that it just shot this place's purpose right out of the water?

I won't be doing anything to this Group, have no fear on that, but I just wanted to see what others thought about this.


Nope, sunset stories needs all the love they can get <3


No, if anything it makes it all the more important, because this is the place where you go when she's good. If people want to read bad/slutty/whatever Sunset, they can go to another Sunset group.



And don't forget, the biggest (so far) reveal of Sunset being good is the video "My Past Is Not Today". If there's anything that shows her having turned around, it's that video.

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