Sibling Story Stockpile 130 members · 95 stories

The Flim Flam Brothers

Everyone's favorite bacon colored hair con men have a folder here as well!

  • EThe Mess We're In
    It seemed a simple idea at the time; a get rich quick scheme cetain not to fail. But, after the incident in Ponyville, any chances of an easy profit are wiped away. With nowhere to go, and no funding, it's not going to be an easy fix. What now?
    Bluegrass Brooke · 3.4k words  ·  123  2 · 2.9k views
  • TFlimsy
    After a nasty split, one brother found fortune, while the other hasn't been so lucky. Now, the Flim Flam Brothers meet up once again. But this time, they aren't talking strictly business.
    UnweptSchlipps · 14k words  ·  51  0 · 1.2k views