Science! in Equestria 510 members · 546 stories
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I need five or six scientifically or otherwise academically inclined ponies to use in my fic Circumstellar and I was wondering if anyone here might be able to direct me to some side characters I might have missed in the TV series. I haven't read the comics, but I'm open to suggestions there also.

I've been browsing the wikis for candidates, but all I was able to find was that cameo Bill Neigh, the science pony. Don't get me wrong, I love Bill Nye. I just can't see him embark on an adventure. :facehoof:

Does anypony else come to mind?

Hm, I hadn't considered OCs. Alright, open for any of those also. :)

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

Sadly, other than Twilight herself, there aren't a lot of scientifically-inclined ponies in canon. I put that kind of spin on Derpy in one of my stories, but the concept was kind of out there.

Damn, I'm starting to believe you're right. I was hoping to avoid spending time on coming up with OCs. :facehoof:

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

You could always adapt background ponies, which would at least save you some trouble on coming up with looks.

For instance, Sea Swirl (seen here at the front of the cider line) could be a marine biologist. Not an especially useful talent in a story needing the space sciences (or in land-locked Ponyville), but that's just an example off the top of my head.

Group Admin


Some of the ponies in the weather factory could easily have been scientists as well.



Yeah, that's kind of what I mean. Background ponies. Sorry, I may be using the terms wrong. I'm a little new to the fandom. :twilightblush:

That is a good choice, by the way. I may have use of someone like that. I was thinking of drafting Stellar Eclipse on the cast too, but he is more like someone's actual OC than a background pony, so.. not sure if

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

OC = Original Character. All-new, in other words.
Background ponies = walk-on characters with canon appearance, but little to (usually) no known characteristics besides their look. Blank slates, in other words.

You may find this page useful:

Group Admin


Don't forget this pony. He looks like a good candidate.


Thanks, this will be useful. Oh my, so many ponies.

Where does he appear?

Group Admin


Three different episodes, actually, and a few of the comics. Here's his wiki page. He seems to be named 'Gizmo Poindexter'.


I'm finding good candidates in the background pony group now. Almost enough.



.I've been browsing the wikis for candidates, but all I was able to find was that cameo Bill Neigh, the science pony. Don't get me wrong, I love Bill Nye. I just can't see him embark on an adventure. :facehoof:

Just a quick note -- a reluctant adventurer can be useful at times for comedic moments, or, sometimes, dramatic ones. DANGER TVTROPES LINK DANGER Do not click if you have anything planned for the next several hours!

I can see that, thanks for the tip. :)

I did a similar story in the human world and plucked characters from the background to come up with a band to play against the Dazzlings.:scootangel:

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