The Defenders of Luna 620 members · 718 stories
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The Accursed One
Group Admin

Tomorrow's is a Community Nightly! PLEASE submit facts, jokes, riddles, random things, songs, and questions for me to show you all tomorrow! But please PM it to me so nobody else finds out.

Fact! Francis Galton, the inventor of modern fingerprinting methods, had many other notable ideas: the weather map, the phrase “nature vs. nurture,” and the silent dog whistle.

Joke! Old man comes into a restaurant, sits at his usual table, and orders the usual — matzoh ball soup.
The waiter sets it down in front of him, and stands back to watch him enjoy it. But the man just sits there.
“Is there something wrong?” the waiter asks.
“I can’t eat this soup,” the man replies.
“Is it too hot?” the waiter asks. “No.” “Too cold?” “No.” “Too salty?” “No.”
The waiter calls for the maitre d’, and for the chef, and each goes through the same routine: “Too hot?” “Too cold?” “No, no no.”
Finally the chief, at his wits end, says, “Sir, I will taste the soup myself. Where is the spoon?”
Says the old man: “A-ha!”

Random thing! This short story by Kurt Vonnegut.


Riddle! Yesterday's answer was Wheelbarrow! Nobody gets any prizes today, sorry :fluttercry:
Today's riddle: What is half of 2+2?

Question! What's your favorite part of nature? I personally love the night sky, on a clear night with snow on the ground. That, or the same on a summer night. It's part of why Luna's best pony as well.

That is a pretty funny joke! :rainbowlaugh:

I'll have to read that later, I don't have the time tonight.

Green Day is always a good choice!

Answer to riddle: 2

Favorite part of nature, hmm? That is a hard choice... I obviously love the night, but other than that... I love oceans. Just the size and depth of the oceans is crazy to me! One thing I wish I could do before I die is go to the bottom of Challenger Deep.

The Accursed One
Group Admin

You're wrong. The answer is not 2. And thanks, it's a good one I found.

3790118 The answer to the riddle is fish.
My favorite part about nature is the night sky. When I was younger way before I was interested in MLP:FIM I was an active star gazer. I still love looking at the stars and moon. After I became a fan of the show, I became one of Luna's Children of the Night.

The Accursed One
Group Admin

Children of the Night? Like a vampire? Ooh, can I join?!

3790409 This video will explain. But you can join. There is a group on this site.

The Accursed One
Group Admin

I refuse to believe you're not vampires. But please link me to the group.

Group Admin

Am I the only one who finds matzoh ball soup funny?
Heh, matzoh ball.

I approve of your choice in songs, sir.

It's obviously Jesus. Or 3. Either one.

My favorite part of nature? Hmm... My favorite part of nature is that humans are animals. And no matter how much people deny this fact, or think of themselves as above other creatures, it's still true. We're all just animals.

Princess Star-butt is better.

The Accursed One
Group Admin

Pfft... Starbutt has nothing on Moonbutt. And which one is your final answer?

Group Admin

Well, considering Jesus is a fictional character from a book that originated in the bronze ages and was written by a bunch of sexist, racist, homophobic men... I'll have to say my final answer is three.

The chart goes as such:
5. Princess sunbutt
4. Princess moonbutt
3. Princess candyass
2. Princess starbutt
1. Princess Bigmac.

The Accursed One
Group Admin

May I ask what logic got you to that correct answer?

Group Admin

The equation you set up was basically "2/2+2" Which equals three. Your silly word games won't work on me.

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