Humans Are Bastards 214 members · 216 stories
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Well, she won't threaten to stab anyone ever again.

Group Admin

It is certainly better to use a tazer on a kid than to let her stab herself in the chest. But the false claim that she had a stab wound on her leg is very suspicious. But strange as well. Why lie about that? They had to know the medical staff would find the truth.

Based on the article I strongly dislike the parents attitude as well. They actually said she was just acting out.:facehoof:

Group Admin


Why lie about that?

Because John Law is best bastard.

Group Admin

1931937 Because cops never get fired thanks to their fucking unions, government employees who perform important services shouldn't be allowed to have fucking have unions because they can just stop working whenever they think they should have more money and there is nothing we can do about it until we give them what they want, like teachers and the fact that no matter how bad at teaching they are we can't fire them till they harm a child or get arrested for something.

Fucking government employee unions.

Oh, yeah. Government employees have it great. Always get what they want. Living large at the cost of everyone else. Never get held accountable for their actions.


Oh, wait! That's high finances, isn't it?

But no, lets of after government employees. Those are the ones who don't need protection:facehoof:

Group Admin

1932650 They don't need protection, all they have to do is get with their little unions and stop working and we are forced to give in to their every demand.
Like it or not unions are the reason no cop is ever fired when they do evil shit unless it is completely blatant like murder or rape, and not even murder most of the time as long as he can give some bullshit I thought he had a weapon excuse.

No system is perfect.

Criminals get away with crime because in the justice system they have rights. Yet no one in their right minds would abolish these rights, because then who would protect the innocent?

It is the exact same thing here. Unions exist to protect the rights of the workers. Everyone deserves these rights, and sometimes they protect people they shouldn't, but there is nothing you can do about it.

All workers deserve there rights, regardless of whom they are being employed by.

all they have to do is get with their little unions and stop working and we are forced to give in to their every demand.

And that is total bullshit

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