Dungeons & Dragons 325 members · 73 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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The species that I had in mind are: Dragonborn, Owlin, Kobold, Tortle, Aarakocra, Leonin, Yuan-Ti Half-Dragon, and Tabaxi.

I would like your thoughts on the matter. And no, I have no idea what version (due to me having never been able to play the game before).

I'm going to need more context

Would you like the story's description?


This is a story based on Dungeons & Dragons.

The land of Asgara is in trouble. Monsters attack in organised groups and there seems to be an evil force on the horizon. But when all seems lost, this group of idiots comes in and almost makes it worse.

When 8 individuals meet, an adventure unfolds, there are some hiccups along the journey though, what with rivalries, outside enemies, and love to cause some drama, but luckily, this group of misfits has what it takes to save the world, or doom it.

Oh this world of Asgara is in trouble.

D&D belongs to Wizards of the Coast

Here you go.

The races doesn't seem like it really matters unless there's geopolitics in play; such as the dominant race of the continent/world or individual empires or such.

Characters first before the races (who are they before what are they). Other than that, I can't see no problem with the listed races.

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