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I am currently working on a reboot/reimagining/redux/rewrite of my first HiE fic (and first pony fic, but that's beside the point). The point is, I want to try something radically outside my comfort zone.

Writing in a first person of one of the central character is something I've always wanted to try. But I've also a fan of following different characters in different scenes for sake of variety, which is only really possible in a third-person perspective story. But then, I had an epiphany.

What if I told the story in a first person perspective, but changed the perspective to a different character every now and again? Obviously signifying when a change happens either by different chapter titles (calling them interludes or something), or by means of a small blip of text at the beginning of a chapter signifying what character the chapter follows. Or SOMETHING like that anyway.

Any and all feedback/ideas are appreciated. I want to try and make the second version of the story something special. And while I'm just as willing to go back to the third person perspective for that, this first-person idea I had is really alluring. So let me know what you think of it.

If you want to try it, than go for it.

Do it. That's exactly what I'm doing in one of my fics and it's working fine for me so far.

6466284 The success of such an attempt would balance somewhat heavily on the reader not only knowing of the perspective change, but on you altering the thought processes and personalities of the characters. The changes would need to be fairly substantial in order to get your point across without causing disdain or confusion. I have seen it work a few times though, so success is possible.

I don’t know how helpful this will be, but I’m doing that very thing. I guess if you want to you could just do what I do and add a small message in parentheses. For example.

I decided to walk to the supermarket.

(Nearby, unbeknownst to *character*)

Character McCharacterFace stood up from his table and walked purposefully out of the tanning salon.

It has been done before so it's definitely possible to do this and be successful

If you want it. Go for it!

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