Human in Equestria 16,843 members · 17,033 stories
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I'll be honest with ya, I would rather have someone else in office. Trump is not my favorite, but he is not the worst. He actually cares about this country. I watched enough of Hillary's speeches to spot the lies myself based on her own self contradictions, and her book, what little I could stomach of it, is so full of crap it could pass as a sewer. As for left and right, I claim no party affiliation, though I'll admit to being just to the right of center, and conservative to libertarian depending on the issue, and a Follower of Jesus Christ.

That's pretty much my stance on the matter. This forum being what it is, let's get back to ponies. What would they think of the mess that is United States politics, and the absolute madness that is the UN.

they'd probably call for a crusade against Russia...
and most of Africa...
and most of the Middle East...
and most of Asia...
and maybe Europe...
basically the whole world...

Their black-and-white morality may have some bad consequences...

Probably. I think most if us can agree that North Korean leadership is nuckin futs, and nevermind the deplorable treatment of women in Saudi Arabia and several other countries in the region. Also, human trafficking is booming. The ponies would not like us, me thinks.

Here's a thought; what if radioactive materials = anti-magic? Or maybe dark magic. What might the repercussions of that discovery be should the one front or another prove hostile?

Now, don't quote me on this since I don't have the time to look it up and make super sure, but I am under the impression that EVERYTHING is radioactive or at the very least has absorbed an amount of radiation. Go to your room with a geiger counter and it will give you a reading. A very weak one, but it will.

So what this means could be set up in two different outcomes for ease. 1) Everything from our world is anti-magic in some capacity or at least resistant -even cake is resistant to magic, OR 2) go for the reverse, and radiation is magic. Who knows, maybe standing next to Twilight for a human is instant cancer.

Not how that works. If magic is radiation, standing next to Twilight would lead to radiation poisoning, possibly death, not necessarily cancer, though that may follow should you survive.

Hyperboling, mate. Hyperboling.
I just realized that within this concept, Twilight basically becomes Doctor Manhattan, or at least what effect they thought Doctor Manhattan had during his framing.

Option 1: Ponies are useless on earth because their magic can't do shit.

Option 2: Ponies are literally poisonous to humans

Or option 3: Ponies are useful on earth because magic isn't a radiation-based phenomenon and thus aren't walking unshielded nuclear cores.


Option 4: gryfons come with the ponies and their first contact is with canables. After discovering how tasty humans are they convince the ponies to help subjugate the "inferior bipeds," ultimately leading to the birth of the YH&Y verse.

yes because we won't use nuclear weapons

Unless technology doesn't work well around magic, like in many stories.

we'd just fucking exterminate ourselves to prevent it

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