Human in Equestria 16,876 members · 17,071 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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In a story I'm in the plan in out phase of. Have plans to have two different human characters. Both of them from different worlds and both of them leading different lives, one is a standard human in equestria. In his early twenties, has a katana, ends up living in ponyville. a dark yet relatable past, and ends up finding work in the mane 6 and derpy .
The other one on the other hand Vlad Regius (the other human) is in his mid thirties, come from a world full with monsters, lands in canterlot, and ends up becoming Prince blueblood's (who is equestria' acting ambassador) personal body guard.
But here's the problem in the early stages of this story vale was the only human in the story. And even now he's follow around more that the other. So I wondering if I should just remove the other human from the story or make him a bigger part of the story. And if I keep him what should he do?


In his early twenties, has a katana, ends up living in ponyville. a dark yet relatable past

Dude, are you kidding me?

5260639 How about inflatable Katana and goofy, weird past instead. Works as circus clown. Looks like Sepeiroth with big lips.

Motion seconded.

5260639 One of my stories had multiple human characters, but with one getting more screen time than others. I did these interlude chapters from time to time. Each interlude chapter focused on one of the other human characters, putting them as the main character for that chapter. It also let me run a few sub-plots, with their own characters and locations, separate of the main story too.

5260694 While it is meant to be a joke. I don't want to go full trollfic.

5261249 A stuntman clown can be a fruitful idea. Even for a non-comedic fic.

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