Comments ( 4 )
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Shazam 25
Group Contributor

Well, I finally saw the first episode of Power Rangers Ninja Storm, I like better then Dino Charge so far. The show just started and I can't really say much about it until I see more. I do know it going back to it normal six rangers. What about you guys? How do you like the new Power Rangers. And yes, if you have a team for me for my Pony Rangers stories please me me your list.

5755280 It's too early to pass judgement properly. I do like how, just like with Dino Charge, not all team members are introduced in the first episode. The villains being part of a reality show mixed with gladiator battles sounds like it will make for an interesting group of villains, and hopefully we'll get an understanding of why the ninja star and the ninja steel are so important to them. The robot feels like an Alpha-5/Alpha-6 wanna be though, and the two supporting human characters feel like the poor man's Bulk and Skull. Don't know if this will be a reoccurring problem, but the first episode had a lot of talking, even during the fight scenes. All in all, it looks interesting and could be promising, but we'll have to wait and see what happens.

Shazam 25
Group Contributor

5755294 That fine, like I say the show just started, so I really can't say much about myself. Just got to watch it some more to see what I truly think of it.

5755302 I am surprised it's already out, I had to watch the first episode online at I do hope that's not a sign of something (though I really wish Saban would stop negoitating with Nick and move Power Rangers to Netflix or Hulu).

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