Lilith911's "Special" House 218 members · 48 stories
Comments ( 46 )
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First, let me welcome you to the group.
Then, let me inform you of some of the things I wish I knew back when I first started.

To begin, let us talk about this group: When I joined on a dare from Lilith herself, I was worried that this would be all dark rape and gore. I heard about necrophilia and cannibalism and felt a little overwhelmed.
Determined to try everything most things at least once, I reluctantly asked one of the more hard-core people here if she would do a story with me. When she asked me to set up the scenario, she revealed that she really enjoys long romance stories.

Frankly, I was bewildered to hear such a request from a prominent member of a rape group.

In short, this group ALLOWS everything you would ever want to try. Just mention how far you are willing to go and people will respect your boundaries.
Just read some of the threads on the forum and post a comment or send a PM to ask for an invite.

Last: most people prefer anthro, humanoid fantasy creatures.

About Role-playing: In general, Rp is done in the present tense though the point of view may differ between first and third person. This may feel weird because just about all regular stories on this site are in past tense and almost never in first person. However, you get used to it. It makes the story more personal, more so in first person.

Next, respect your partner's character; do not force her to do anything that does not fit her role. Try to give suggestions in character yourself if you want them to do something.

Example: "I see you walk through the park. When I come over, I extend my hand in greeting. I wonder if asking you out is a good idea. A bookish girl like you must be really shy, but maybe you had a good day and feel just that little extra daring."
Now it is up to her to decide what to do. Shake your hand, shy away, ignore you, etc. You provided a scenario, initiated a response, and gave a suggestion.

(You can talk out of character between brackets. Place them on top or the bottom of your reply. Useful for asking discussing the story, ask for something, etc.)
((Some people, like me, use double brackets to prevent confusion.))

Important: Do not use double space between lines unless necessary. This is makes it harder to view the story by making it unnecessarily large.

Personally, the major roadblock I encountered is global time zones. My favorite author here has a 9-hour difference with me, so my midnight writing is his afternoon. Try to find someone with the a compatible schedule or you can expect frequent delays. If you do make a game with someone on the other side of the globe, one thing you can try is to make longer posts so your partner has something nice to read while you are at school, working, or sleeping. Just make sure not to over do it. Never move too far ahead without giving the other player a chance to respond.
While long posts if you're gone longer are a good thing, you should never go beyond three or four normal length paragraphs, and probably no more than one and a half of action, unless your partner is comfortable with more.
If offended, offer to retcon and revise your last post.

Because responding to a comment takes on average 3-10 minutes, even for experienced writers, many players here will keep their replies short and have several games running at the same time.

If you want to do a game, people will probably ask you to start the thread yourself. Therefore, you will have to set up a scenario and wait for your partner to join. Make sure to post the title like: "Insert story title" then the type of game (like Private or Anyone) and names "partners name + I".

For instance: "Alone in the dark." Lilith and I.

Then introduce your character with at least the following introduction posted by Lilith911

Appearance: (or Clothing:)

Optional when you do a private game but near mandatory when it's an open thread are

Style and level can be interchangeable; basically what kind of action people can expect to read.

I am sure I do not need to tell you to read the rest of the sticky posts on the forum.

In addition, I was afraid about rape, but one story here opened my eyes. I am currently in game with both people from this thread and love it.
There is a line between "forced" and "rape". "Rape" is when one takes full advantage of the other, caring nothing for them and only for their own pleasure. "Forced" on the other hand is when one ignores the others 'no', but pushes them into it and both wind up really enjoying it. I like "forced". I dislike "rape".

Asides from that, doing a game will suck up a lot of your time, be prepared and always tell your partner when you have to leave for an extended time.

Last, most people prefer anthro, humanoid fantasy creatures for you non-furries out there. This combines the familiar human figure with exciting new features.
State clearly if you want to use MLP races or even just humans . You will find many fans of the exotic 'pure' races or the realistic homo sapiens.

Have fun and maybe we can do a game together sometimes.

TL: DR You are encouraged to try new things, but you can stick to lighter subjects or even just romance. Let people know what you want and be respectful.

Comment posted by Kabuto901 deleted Oct 19th, 2013

1987639 wow big wall of text :derpytongue2:

This is very helpful! Thanks!:pinkiehappy:

I know, I am a mouthful.

*Edit* should I add spacing and titles?

1987699 Naw you just need some music to get through it:pinkiehappy:


By all means, be my guest and give me a fitting link. I enjoy sampling something new.

Interesting tell me when you say anthro does that mean anthro ponies as well. Also why do people like that more then just straight ponies?

yes, anthro ponies are included. Personally I can see the appeal in all three genres, Pure pony, furry, and pure human.

Many people were furries before they were bronies. The trend carries over when you find a lot of partners writing in this genre.
Also,humanoid creatures are easier to identify with and allow for fingers and breasts, two of the only things I miss on ponies.


I know it's obvious, but these were the things I wish I could have read in a sticky. So I made one for the future newcomers.

Also, screw the rock, I have metal.

1987973 Ha! your metal is no match for my three blue-eyes white dragons!

Well technically you can have crouch boobs, but I guess that's not the same.


Well technically you can have crouch boobs, but I guess that's not the same.

No, they're not.
But you can have more nipples than a human, so that's something right?

Then I activate my trap card, Call of the Haunted to bring back Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon.
And then, I use Metal Morph to increase his attack power. I attack with Heavy Metal Beat Fire.



Curse my short attention sp- Ooh! Shiny thing!


I will add a TL:DR on top.


Making the whole thing worthless.

Then again, Da yoof on dem inernetzzz r such rebals!!

Group Contributor

Wow, you learned a lot in six days.
And I for example even prefer longer delays on replys. I want to do other stuff too when iĀ“m at my PC and sometimes (when IĀ“m in a game for example) I canĀ“t just make a break for answering.

I would take offense, except that I found it wordy myself. You merely confirmed my own thoughts.
But somehow, it was as short as I could make it.

Thank you. I like the longer replies during downtime but personal and more interactive short swift replies for action.

Group Contributor

I understand that, I guess most peopel here prefer fast replys.
Edit: and from what I know so far you and another guy are the only persons here I know that are from europe.


I was saying If you warn them how long it is, no one will be bothered to read it.

Yet if they clearly see it's length is lengthy (Literature, the right way) Well, nobody bats an eye!

yes, that is why it is added at the end. I suppose my comment was misleading.

Me, I find myself falling back on story writing and have a tendency to get wordy (again). Making a reply for just two sentences feels weird, but it does add to a real dialogue, and not a collaborated story.

However, having a 7-9 hour time difference makes me prefer to do it the long way. But it might backfire. I wrote an hour long reply yesterday because I felt bad for leaving yet again. I accidentaly took away my partners chance to respond and had to appologize.
Also, can I ask who the other guy is?

Group Contributor

You shouldnĀ“t feel guilty about leaving so early. ItĀ“s not your fault that that you have a time difference from 9 hours and that you have to work (in my case) the next day.

And I donĀ“t know it exactly, I just know that there is another one, not who he is.

Yes, that what he told me. It is just such a nice story and we both enjoy it a lot; if only we could reply more it would obviously be even better.

If I ever find another, I will ask if I can introduce you to him.

Group Contributor

You have a point, but what can you do? Move to america because of reason?

That would be great, I love meeting new people. Althought I donĀ“t care from where they are.

Nope, buy a smart phone. That would make me able to respond during breaks and I could listen to some music.
And seeing you speak like that, combined with your avatar makes me d'aw.


... Should I read the entire comment first?

If you are new, you should at least glance over it.


Honestly, None of that accommodates for me. I just try to be funny and go around Poland, slaughtering Nazis.


You know, I get the same results whenever I try snark and sarcasm in here.
Maybe we should make it a thread? Educate people about what a wonderful thing it can be.
The art of constructive insults is almost dead.


Yes! We must keep dynamic humour alive!

With a brand new avatar, I am sure that the site will soon be yours and Lilith your obedient wife.


And your avatar could... Uh... Confuse people!


It even stopped Lilith for a while. She said, and I quote "your avatar hurts my brain. I dislike it."


Have you ever seen Lilith try to quote someone?

She's... It's horrible at at!

She (it) can't even say the word 'WOLF' right


She (it) can't even say the word 'WOLF' right

Of course she can't. Foxes hate wolves.

No, I can not say I have played long with her. She must be very busy.

*looks around, seeing no pink anywhere*

So, how is she?

*leans closer* "You don't say. Is she mental, completely off her knocker? Crazed up on catnip?"


She makes Normon Bates cry for his mother.

She needs a check up from the neck up.

*Looking through google*

Here's a good one...

Not playing with a full deck


Converted to Scientology...

Dipping into the squirrel stash

Nice one...


Trippin' Billies... What?

Mofo's wack, dawg!

I've read some of the stories that are here, they're interesting kinda like the RP i do on skype with a group of friends kinda nervous about RPing here though

Do not worry. Just find a story you enjoy and ask the players for a game. If you have not found anything by tonight (I use GMT for reference) I will be happy to invite you myself.

Thanks for the advices. Really useful. :twilightsmile:

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