Lilith911's "Special" House 218 members · 48 stories
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(Character)Tyke slowly opened her reluctant eyes. Her head felt strange, her body felt strange, everything was wrong. She felt... full, full everywhere!

What ha- A MOM! Tyke had finally got a new mom! The strange lady that wanted to be her mom had been kinda weird, then it really hurt, but then it felt... good.

Wait, why was she tied up? Where were her clothes? What sort of weird clothes was she wearing?!?!

Comment posted by Wernkle deleted Aug 7th, 2013
Group Admin

Good morning *I smile as I walk in*
What the hell is that>>1455538...? Should we keep him?

(Read through the orgy thread to find out)

1455595( I accidentally deleted that comment because I thought it was against some kind of rule :twilightblush:. Pssst don't tell lilith that I haven't read them yet :rainbowderp:.) But in all serious-ness (not really) I'm still a virgin... and i'm not sure if my body is ready yet *gives seductive wink*

1455666 ((this is rp, plz put all non rp comments in (()). ))

1455666 ((if you wanted to talk to me you should haved linked my comment...))

Group Admin

(Hmm, well 1455626 didn't put who this RP included... So for right now it's an anyone can join... And everyone in this group is ready... Whether they think that or not :pinkiecrazy:)

(I said good morning to you darling... Respond)

Comment posted by Wernkle deleted Aug 7th, 2013

1455595 Tyke stares at her mommy. "Umm, why am I tied up mom?"

Comment posted by Wernkle deleted Aug 7th, 2013
Group Admin

I'm just letting your body recover...

(We are continuing from The orgy, right?)

((... *sigh*))

1455854 ((HEY, you're here too!!))

((Yeah, guess what my reaction to finding out you were here was))

((Spoilers, it was this: :ajbemused::facehoof:))

Vic Viper
Group Admin

1455877>>1455850 ((In that I a part of this as well? I was so...deeply in love with you both, well whenever the time frames match with the stories i guess if I'm allowed :rainbowderp:))

((lol :trollestia:))

((I'd RP with you, but I'm a bit busy consoling Scribble right now :applejackunsure:))

1455911 ((post your character in the character thread, I'm curious now))

1455907 ((You can involve me in the orgy thread right now))

((...Sometimes I wonder why you even keep me around :trixieshiftleft::ajsleepy:))

1456083;((why would you wonder that?! :rainbowhuh:))

((*depressing sigh* :ajsleepy:))

1456208 ((No why would you even need to wonder that?!?!))

((Heh, I guess I derailed your thread... Sorry :twilightblush:))

1456300 ((I don't keep u around for sex. I rp with you because I thought we are friends, and O enjoy your writing.))

((Yeah... I just wish I was better at it... :ajsleepy:))

1456318 ((Why you have to be so stupid some times, YOU ROCK AT WRITING!! I loved the two threads you started!!!))

((Those threads were like two sentences long. Literally anyone can write two decent sentences and pass it off as being a good writer. I see no proof that says I'm anything but just another two bit writer who happened to trick enough people into thinking he's something he isn't :ajsleepy:))

1456411 (( you just don't trust me ...))

((I don't know. I barely trust anyone nowadays, including myself. Ever since that thing with SG I began to feel less and less like myself, I feel like I can't do anything right, and anything else just feels like nothing but a fluke))

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