The Marvel/DC Co-Fan Club 719 members · 569 stories
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Well out of all the pre-flashpoint heroes to get trapped in Gotham.... Roy Harper was in there. He became a self-help person for the trapped people of the dome and was happy. Then was called into battle with Donna Troy(Thank GOD I'm glad to see the old donna) And Starfire against the Extremists(Seriously Who the hell are these guys?)

Seriously DC? You HAD to remind us of the story that completely made Roy Harper dislikable? FREAKING REALLY?!!!! :twilightangry2:

Oh yeah Sad news folks, The Just Imagine universe went up against the robotic denizens of Future's End....

R.I.P. Marvel concepts of DC heroes.... Especially you flash. NOW onto Supergirl Matrix(MAN i need to get my knowledge up on this Zero Hour stuff) and the Lady Qwark and Lord Volt. Who I don't know about also.(Sorry for being unedumicated)

Oh also GUESS WHO?!

Ambush Bug to the rescue! Somehow.... What are his limits?

4279917 *bangs head against wall* it might be worth it if leian actually comes back *continues to bang head* hold on wait a minute since when did roys robot arm have gun built in?

4279952 you never know with guys who build themselves a robotic arm.

The Just Imagine Justice League is dead?


They were original takes on the heroes. They didn't need to die...

4279917 They with the.... And Starfire.... Donna... Roy... Lian.... I don't.... :applejackconfused:....... :ajbemused:

4280165 Not really since while Stan Lee MADE them.... They were essentially Marvel heroes. How so? Just Imagine Superman was essentially Captain Mar-Vell, Just Imagine Shazam was The Hulk, and Just Imagine Batman was essentially Spider-Man without powers.

4280201 So should I be worried about these Extremists people and those guys like Lady Qwark, Lord Volt, and others from Electropolis? They seem a little.... I don't know. Not so powerful looking?

4280360 The Extremists are basically a parody of Marvel villains... KINDA based sort of on the Masters of Evil.

So really they're facing off against Doctor Doom(Lord Havok), Dr. Octopus(Gorgon), Dormammu(Dreamslayer), Sabretooth(Tracer), and Magneto(Dr. Diehard).

Which means that since Dreamslayer is pretty much DC's Dormammu expy, he's lying his ass off and Roy just shot Kory and Donna for nothing. I mean I'm HOPING they have him SOMEHOW miss otherwise it'll add all new levels of stupidity to Rise of Arsenal

4280201 4280360 4279952 Okay, so why is it that, when Marvel kills a lot of alternate versions of characters for a big crossover, you guys are all...


But when DC does it, you're all...


Really hypocritical, guys :ajsmug:

4280421 because that character was deadpool and his newly introduced daughter thats why any love for roy was destroyed all the way from rise of arsenal to the new 52 with Red hood and the outlaws (that book would have been much better if it was just Red Hood alone or with actual damn anti-heros) while deadpool has only gotten better with getting married becoming a full fledged super hero and reuniting with his long lost daughter and getting a circle of true friends just to kill him and them all off to make his death more tragic is just a spit in to the face to anyone who gave a damn just like to anybody who liked the titans in Cry for justice when they killed lian who should be the new sppedy by now! (Thats why I'm not so mad it gives hope for her return)

4280439 Dude, kidding. I was just talking about all the alt. versions, like Stan Lee's guys, being killed like all the alt. Spider-men

4280443 except most of those spidermen were cannon fauter or died heroically and granted so did deadpool spending his final moments trying to shield ellie in a vain attempt but dying with a smile on his face because at least he dies with her

4280451 well so are a lot of the guys dying in droves here. It's kind of even worse for Marvel because people actually liked most of the spider-men that died.

They killed Spider-Man and his amazing friends. There is no story in existence that can justify that.

4280421 Only certain alternate universe characters at marvel! Some only appeared once and were never given the chance to show their potential! :raritydespair:

4280396 Or they just take the shots anyway because I know that even Starfire & Donna have very good durability because of their physiology.

So what comic does the Lady Qwark and Lord Volt hail from? And I hear that this version of Supergirl is op, is that true?

4280456 yeah so they could never handle morlun truthfully i actually laughed when i first saw that i was more angry over Japanese spidermans mech getting destroyed but i hollered when it came back like a boss it is

4280468 Volt and Quark are from an older universe that got killed by the anti-monitor back in the first crisis. She hung around doing god knows what until flashpoint.

And Matrix is a bit over powered. She's got a lot of the normal powers, sans the vision and senses, but a lot more damage dealing ones, telekinesis, and shape shifting.

I hate the panty shots, man :ajbemused:

4279917 I'm seeing a lot of crap for Roy Harper. Seems like he's getting all the hate across all the media. They're even cutting him out in the Arrow series, possibly to make way for Speedy but still.

4280477 And here people complain about Superman being overpowered. :raritystarry:

Was it the 90's or 80's these panty-shots kept occurring with her costume? :rainbowlaugh:

Well, I mean they were original takes on the DC Heroes. It was still a fascinating concept that I enjoyed.

Also, Nostalgia Critic is awesome. (Although, admittedly, I'm more of a Linkara fan.)

4280468 Yeah, but considering he was aiming said gun at a demonic supervillain... I'm sure they'll come up with some BS excuse that they were knocked out or something or SOMEHOW killed since this is continuing the IDIOTIC story from Cry for Justice where everyone was a FUCKING moron!!!

4281106 Well no one ever said Roy was smart. He's like his mentor that way.
4280872 Angry Joe, Bruh.

4280493 Until she combined with a girl from a demonic cult, fusing body and mind together and gained flaming wings and fire vision.

4280360 The Electropolis guys are from a universe created originally to be one of those destroyed during Crisis on Infinite Earths. They were supposed to be the royal family of a city of superhumans, so they should be more impressive than they've been.

4280456 I like to think that, given the infinite nature of the multiverse, that was an alternate universe of the Amazing Friends, and that somewhere they continue to have adventures.
Hey, a guy can dream, right?

4279917 4280396 Am I the only one who suspects that the deal with the Dormammu expy is meant to be a parody of One More Day? Like, Roy looks to make a deal with a demon to save a loved one, but ultimately tricks him because no hero would be stupid enough to deal with a demon?

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