Comments ( 17 )
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The Descendant
Group Contributor

Sorry that I didn't have another chapter of Zenith done last weekend. It is sitting here open on my laptop as we speak, though.

In apology, have a special premiere of a story that came out of nowhere. See, what other author lets his fans see a new story two whole days before the masses? Am I a great guy or what?:raritywink:

Seriously though, I'm interested in your feedback. This came out of Vexy's implore for more work for a certain group, and I think that results speak for themselves. That's to say "What did I just write?". I thank ArgonMatrix for the editing work.

Password to View: dashkiss

It was a surprise that Dash offered a kiss as a prize at the charity auction. It was a surprise that the colts were as "enthusiastic" as they were. It was a surprise that Dash didn't leap on the colts and beat them for their comments.

But, the biggest surprise of all was which one of her friends bid on her kiss... and why.

Click on the image to view.:moustache::rainbowkiss:

Picture doesn't have an embedded link...

The Descendant
Group Contributor

yes, the link in pic doesn't work

The Descendant
Group Contributor

Just fixed it. Give it another shot.

Is there a separate password for chapter 2?

Utterly fantastic.


TD... this was just so beautiful... WHY WON'T FIMFICTION LET ME FAVE THIS!!

ponygrad's reading liveblog:
I feel so guilty for reading innapropriate dash fics now
Where is this saddle arabia?
Oh no dash is doing the nervous curl up and blargh.

Even though it's awkward to read it's not sitcom-gotta-change the channel -awkward.
Thunderlane's a bro as always.

Another tease about Twilight shipping!:twilightsmile:
Ya, he's ok with being a dragon around ponies, but a guy around girls is still awkward.
I like the faustian theme of many ways to be a boy or girl.

Excellent fic

The Descendant
Group Contributor

Huh... they're shouldn't be. Just type "dashkiss" again.:rainbowhuh:

Thanks, Zap!:twilightsmile:

I guess you'll have to wait until it gets published proper, Vex.:fluttershysad:

Heh, I always have fun trying to line up the comments to their section of teh story. The only one I don't get is the "Saddle Arabia" one. I'm glad that you enjoyed it, Grad!:pinkiesmile:


That was just some thinly colored racism about how some countries treat their women mares.

The Descendant
Group Contributor

Ah, I see. Social commentary!


I hope you publish it soon! :rainbowkiss: and of course I'll add it to SpikeDash.

I really can't express my gratitude to you for writing this. It truly is a piece of art.

The Descendant
Group Contributor

I'll submit it tomorrow morning, and you are most welcome.:twilightsmile:

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