Tyrant Sparkle 1,406 members · 355 stories
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Group Admin

This thread is dedicated as a place to introduce yourself and to promote yourself or any stories you or others have made. Groups are one of the best places to find new stories you have not considered before.

Name: Ben or Benjamin or ymom2
Age: 20
Nationality: American

Notes: I am a consumer of pony fanfiction. Pony fanfiction and Fimfiction are the main things that drew me into and kept me in the brony community for so long. The fiction that this fandom pumps out never ceases to amaze me. You can find stories more exciting and interesting than any high budget movie you have watched and many novels you have read. I created the Tyrant Sparkle group to organize Tyrant Sparkle stories and also to help people promote high quality Tyrant Sparkle stories.

Other things to know about me is that I study politics and current events on a daily basis. My political ideas are always evolving, I am open to new ideas, and seek truth in all things. I am majoring in Computer Engineering, I love and participate in the boy scouts, and I run on an (almost) daily basis.

Your Turn!

Let's try this then!

Name: Rafael Souza
Age: 24
Nationality: Brazilian

Notes: A pony fiction writer since 2012, currently working on a huge fiction called Her Destiny, which main proof-reader (and life saver) is this group founder. I'm admin for the Straight Shipping Group, and co-writer of many fictions. I work as public employee and spend all my money on a action figure collection, and pony related goods.
Planning on doing a blog for posting many pony related stuff. I'm glad to make collabs with any author that wants a good wingman for plot development.

Hope I got this right... :unsuresweetie:

Group Admin

1252130 Yes, I believe you did. Also, I had no idea I was a life saver. :rainbowderp:

I can't do much without a good proof-reader, so yeah! Fluttershy yays to you! :yay:

Group Admin

Time for me to go a whoring (I've always wanted to use that sentence).

Name: Joshua [REDACTED], doing business as xTSGx.
Age: 20
Nationality: American (or United Statesian if you hate America)

Notes: First decided to watch ponies when I was halfway through binging on Pokemon but opted to wait until after I finished binging before watching it, because I knew I'd like it and didn't want to be in two fandoms at once. Finally watched it the day Lesson Zero aired and loved it.

Close to a year later, while browsing TV Tropes' fan content Tear Jerker page, I stumbled upon a piece of art that inspired me to write my first pony fanfic, Statistics. I was stunned when people enjoyed it.

I'm most famous for my two Twilicorn stories, Ascend and its sequel, Regent. Ascend was written one day when I lost inspiration to write an innocent innuendo Twiluna fanfic and decided to write a scene where Twilight freaks out due to having wings. I'm still dealing with having no plan when I first started it.

Politically, I'm a conservative Baptist (wouldn't know that from all the clopfics I read. Stupid weak flesh) who's become bitter and cynical with our political system (after only one time voting no less). Both parties suck, are hopelessly corrupt, and are only trying to get votes so they can stay in power and are too scared to try and fix the country's problems because voters are a bunch of mindless idiots who'll vote them out for daring to not suck up.

Group Admin

1254414 Oh man, talking to me about politics is like opening pandora's box. Politics and I have a long history, first I considered myself a republican, then I was a conservative, then I became a libertarian, then I became a constitutionalist, after that I considered myself a classical liberal and now I don't identify with political labels. I think my political ideas can be expressed by understanding how the world's "system" works which in turn branches out to all other political systems. If you wish to take the "red pill" and go down the metaphorical political rabbit hole I will direct you to my /pol/ copypasta: http://pastebin.com/SW0KDuKu

Welp! Here goes nothing!

Name: Daniel. Pen name: Law Williams, or Lawpony for this site.

Age: 16.

Nationality: American.

Notes: I became a brony just a little before the royal wedding episode. Yeah, I came a little late. I only began watching it because my older brother informed me, and the rest of our family, about a new generation of My Little Pony that was appealing to men and young men. And as open minded as I am...I waited for my little brother to start watching an episode on tv and then joined him. It took a few episodes, but after a few skipped intros, and catching up on youtube when no one was looking, I finally decided that I would become a brony as well!
I only found this site by accident. I was watching Red vs. Blue by Roosterteeth, and looked up something about caboose, and while on the internet, with caboose as the point of interest, I decided I wanted to see a ponified caboose, which led to me finding "My little caboose: Blue is magic", and this site! I decided I wanted to join, and now, I am writing and reading awesome pony fiction!

Thank you!

Name: Josh.

Age: 18.

Nationality: Australian.

Notes: I'm autistic. I also think I may be a lesbian by mind. I came to the fandom around November last year, though I first learned about ponies from the Yogscast. At the time I had no idea what lay behind those videos in particular and didn't investigate.

Politics I don't really care much for. So long as everyone is free to believe what they want, and the rights of the mentally different are protected, I'm more or less content.

I write pretty much always dark themed stories, though I still consider all fanfic to be practise for my original projects that I've put aside until I can do them justice. It's just how I roll. :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

Name: Confidential
Age: Confidential
Nationality: Confidently American (See what I did there:trollestia:)
Notes: I've founded more groups than I can count on my hand one of which has made it to the front page:yay: I'm also the admin of more groups than I can think of at the moment. I'm eccentric fun and will do a lot of random things to keep it lively. I like talking politics and have always wondered why the capital i and lowercase L are the exact same symbol (Il).
And finally this groups creator is my glorified secretary:rainbowdetermined2: Albeit I suppose I'm also his glorified secretary in this group:applejackunsure:

Name: Ronald, Last name: Confidential
Age: Confidential
Nationality: Spanish/French/Canadian

Notes: My first story, "The Ranger" and it is an original alternate universe HIE and deal's with the theme's of loss, fatherhood, deifying the odd's and the concepts of right and wrong and other then that I have been making my self pretty well known in the 2 months and 7 day's I've been here

Name: Sue D. Nym Aliases: DragonLW, Ebonysdagger, Ebony, Dragon, Rei, Rhea, Ray, Sir Walter, Raleigh, endless number more (And almost as many titles heh)
Age: Theoretically 33 as of this moment
Nationality: USA dweller

Notes: Currently NEET life style sufferer (or enthusiast, you decide) that may be just a bit psychopathic. Student of myth and a theorist on how magic itself could and would work if only it were possible (and extremely angered at reality that it isn't). Have written a few stories so far but they are all mostly short and at the prompt of contests. I'm rather lazy and rarely get motivated to get up and write anything that is floating around in my head in spite of my creative ideas notebook laying next to my computer most of the time. I have worked in fanfiction before MLP and original fiction as well. I'm terrible at poetry, rhyme, and naming things.

I'm a fan of several different series and things with varying priorities. (As in Breath of Fire > Hellsing = MLP > Dragon Quest > so on and so forth.) I like violent stories, over the top scenes and powers, melodrama, hammy acting, and other absurd overindulgent egocentric behaviors and characters that exemplify them. I came into this fandom primarily for how well the series is following the myth and its flow, particularly with regards to the development of the hero, Twilight Sparkle. Was linked into the fandom thanks to an rp where my character was turned into Celestia after eating an apple and so started to watch the show to have an idea of how to role play that form.

I'll write most anything other than sad and tragedy, at least I won't see my story as such most likely. Things to assume in anything I write: important characters are not likely to die unless they must (or final boss at end of the story) and it makes sense, everyone has ulterior motives whether for good or ill, politics are solely a tool to manipulate the ignorant masses, Fluttershy to not be squeamish about her carnivore friends or death, Twilight will have likely had to kill in self defense at least once in her past, dragons are always dangerous and op by comparison to anything else, and so on.

Name: Moonlit Scribe, though if you are directly referring to me, I prefer Scribe or Moon.

Age: between 13 and 20

Nationality: ABCD. If you dunno what dat means, look it up. You might get it right.

Notes: I have EXTREMELY strong opinions, so sorry if I offend you. Also, CELESTIA IS WORST PONY AND I WRITE FANFICS ABOUT TWILIGHT OVERTHROWING CELESTIA! TwiJack, IMHO, is best ship.

Group Admin

5637105 Strong opinions are allowed and welcomed here unlike Derpibooru where I am regularly banned for long periods for voicing my opinion lol!

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