FIMFiction UserScripts 383 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

If you are using the 502 Reloader script (or any variation of it), uninstall it immediately!

This is a pretty silly situation I've gotten myself in by being so gullible, so I want to apologize to the staff and hope you guys can understand this.


how do we know if it is a 502 script?

2335342 It's the thing that automatically spams the reload button whenever you get the 502 error page.

okay i haven't gotten any 502 errors at all.

Queuefka Palazzo
Group Contributor


You realize you're breaking their new rule by mentioning it, right?

2336072 How is he breaking the rules? He only said that we should stop using this script.

are all other scripts still safe to use?

Group Contributor

2337464 2337517

I haven't personally verified all of them but the only one so far which should have any need for AJAX is Meta Checker. (And it does so don't install it.)

(Plus, of course, the 502 reloader which had a similar effect but didn't technically use AJAX)

Queuefka Palazzo
Group Contributor


The new rule forbids people from talking about user scripts, which cause server load issues.


it forbids people from promoting user scripts that send multiple ajax requests

others are fine


so, comment hider, colored story status, new background and total read time should be safe?

Group Contributor


These don't use AJAX so they're fine (though their code isn't easy on the eyes so I may ask permission to fix them up later):
* Color Story Status
* Remaining Words
* Hide Comments on Story Pages (This also makes the mistake of using unsafeWindow which means it's broken on Chrome and other non-Firefox browsers.)

I'm not sure which background changer you're using but, of the three I've seen in this forum, none had any problems. (Though I'd still recommend my userstyle since it's the only one with an easy configuration interface.)


alright, then im safe


Bump to remind users that any scripts that send extra requests to the servers with a single action are still against the rules.

i.e. loading multiple things or grabbing a lot of information with a single click of a button, or spamming requests like the 502 refresher did.

3331874 Would a script that loads one HTML page from, one cover image from, and a number of images from be breaking that rule? In other words, do images "count"? I figure it's worth asking because page loads usually come with a bunch of image loads anyway, and it's not as if serving an image requires a lot of server-side processing.

If that wouldn't be allowed, would it be okay if I removed the cover image, making it just one HTML page from and a number of images from Alternatively, and I imagine less likely, would it be okay if I removed the images and just loaded the HTML page and the cover image?

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