Humans turned ??? 2,399 members · 1,236 stories
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I'm looking for a story that I had thought I had saved with favs, and tracking but I guess not, or it got removed, haven't checked fimfetch yet.

But the story is where a human got turned into Queen chrysalis just moments before she could kidnap princess Cadance and replace her, but the human took her place instead, I think the human knew about my little pony story and choose to work with Cadance to feed the changelings. It is also found out in the story with some help from the drones that the ponies had been none too nice to changelings themselves, in one example was where a famous pony singer I think? was found out in the middle of a show and after being found out, instead of being killed right off the bat, said ling was sadly used till her poor mind broke.

There was also a moment where the nobles were trying to ether kill or harm Cadance by having fast during the wedding, and having her wear a corset far too tight, enough to cause breathing problems. Cadance was also a very big fan of the ling singer as well, that was the last chapter I had read before I moved onto something else due to it ending there for now.

It was also similar to another story and was following a thread of stories actually. Think anyone will help?

(Quick edit) I just remembered last second that human turned chrysalis also had a very strange and strong love connection with cadance as well.

I know the story, but not the name. Could have sworn I had it in my tracking but it's not there. I remember at the beginning Human Chrysalis was experimenting with their powers and turned into Katara from Avatar when some bird god from their realm suddenly popped up to say "Stop that shit."

Yes that's the story I had read and thought I had in my tracking. Forget the name or else I would never made the post.

AHA! I found it! You were probably using #Human and #Queen-Chrysalis to look for it, but it's one of those weird HiE fics where the author DOESN'T tag it as #Human, which I always think is weird. Only thought to remove that tag since I knew about a Sombra fic that did the same.

Huh, I never added the human tag unless i know there is a human in it and not human turn etc but thanks. gonna leave this thread here incase someone else is looking for the story.

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