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So I just started playing Master Duel on the switch and managed to get to Gold Tier. But this game has made me realise something. I really hate Link Summoning. I've played ten duels since joining the tier and seven of them had a link summoner who spent forever on their moves. Literally on their first turn, they would summon something, link summon with it, then use an effect to summon a new monster and link summon again with it. This kept going on and on and on until they had a link monster in ever single zone. And when that was done, they used all those monsters and link summoned a super link monster and it started all over again. I timed my last duel and my opponent's first turn took twelve minutes. TWELVE! I hate link summoning.

You and me both because I had the same problem and I'm gold tier too

Well, my deck (DinoWrestler) uses link summon, but i see your point, a link spam field, a bit OP kinda, and thats because i think its the easiest summon in the game.

They really need to add in more ai duels and ways of earning gems/stuff without doing PvP stuff honestly.

half the fun is using mirror force dark hole or other board clearing cards to wipe them out so they have nothing

That's one of the more extreme examples of a link spam deck. From what I can tell from my time in Gold and Plat, most of the top decks most people are playing aren't nearly as bad as something like @Ignister, Codetalkers, or Dinowrestlers. You probably had bad luck going up against a bunch of link spam decks.

I empathize with you, because when my opponent summons Arrival Cyberse @Ignister, my puny Galaxy-Eyes can't do shit against it, except for Number 62

7654868 It wouldn't be so bad, except they also had this trap card that I can't remember the name of that prevented me from using card effects until after the damage step. When you've got three monsters with 6000 ATK points, piercing damage and that on the field, it kind of feels like cheating.

though most decks can put out a ton of negates in just 1 turn

a lot of higher tiers are playing basically meta decks

7655052 Still, there should be a limit. Like the main phase 1 should only last two minutes or something.

They won't do that though (though there is a turn timer but i think it resets when you make a move)

7655056 It doesn't. I checked.

Not sure how long ya get for a turn though as i never checked

7655059 From what I can tell, it's about five hundred seconds each for an entire duel.

Huh. I have no idea what the trap card is. And yeah it feels like cheating but it’s not. Most of the time there always ways to counter a card, it’s a just a matter of whether or not you threw it into your deck. I sorta wish it was cheating because then I’d actually win more games :D

At that point I guess you just gotta not play battle traps, assuming that is what you’re doing. Has anybody told you about “staples” and what they are?

NOTE: I am trying my best to not come off sounding condescending and I’m sorry if I did

7655121 Never heard of them.

:O alright I got you

“Staples” refer to powerful cards that can be very powerful in nearly any kind of deck someone can play and they all do different things but in general they all restrict your opponent from making moves or allow you to make great moves.

Spell/Trap Removal:
-Mystical Space Typhoon (MST)
-Twin Twisters
-Cosmic Cyclone
-Harpie’s Feather Duster

Effect Negation:
-Forbidden Droplets
-Forbidden Chalice
-Dark Ruler No More (DRNM)
-Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
-Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion
-Effect Veiler
-PSY-FRAME Gear Gamma (and also PSY-FRAME Gear Driver)
-Called By The Grave

Extra Deck Monsters:
-Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
-Borreload Savage Dragon
-Borrelsword Dragon
-Accesscode Talker
-I:P Masquerna + Knightmare Unicorn
-Divine Arsenal-AA Zeus

-Maxx “C”
-Evenly Matched

Draw Cards
-Pot of Prosperity
-Pot of Duality
-Pot of Extravagance
-Pot of Desires
(All of these depend more on the deck and whether or not you can afford the cost of these cards)

I’m sure there are ones I’m forgetting but I hope you crafting these cards can help! Also be sure to read these before crafting and playing with them. I know you probably will but a lot of people genuinely don’t and that’s usually their downfall

EDIT: Forgot some:

-Reinforcement of the Army (ROTA, adds a lvl 4 or lower warrior from deck to hand)
-Fire Formation-Tenki (ROTA but for Beast Warriors)

-Nibiru, the Primal Being
-Any of the Kaiju monsters (just search “Kaiju” in the deck editor)
-Foolish Burial
-Super Polymerization + Mudragon of the Swamp OR Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
-D. D. Crow
-Book of Moon

-Solem Judgement
-Solemn Strike
-Artifact Lancea
-Infinite Impermanence

-Lightning Storm

Floodgates: (essentially prevents the opponent from doing something)
-There Can Be Only One (TCBOO)
-Gozen Match
-Rivalry of Warlords
-Dimensional Fissure (DiFi)
-Anti-Spell Fragrance
-Macro Cosmos
-Skill Drain
-Vanity’s Emptiness
-Imperial Order
-Droll & Lock Bird

-Upstart Goblin
-Chicken Game
-Into the Void

Any many more but if I put anymore I’d imagine it’d be even more overwhelming

I really hate Accesscode Talker. It's beaten me three times in a row.

Then it’d be even more satisfying to Accesscode Talker your opponent

If you’d like I can go through and give a brief description of what each card I listed does if you think that’d be helpful

7655199 That's fine. I know what most of them do.

7655051 I know I play a trap monster deck with a wicked god , and xyz god slime and gadget back up I am loaded with such thigns and hate them

Now you know how I feel. Link Summoning was meant to "streamline" the game after the introduction of Pendulum Summons. This being current iteration Konami; it failed miserably. Not only are Link monsters super easy to summon, but the reasoning and theme behind it makes no sense whatsoever.

With Fusion, you need a spell or other factor to essentially merge monsters into a new one. With Synchro you need a specific type of monster, a Tuner in this case, and other monsters whose levels add up to a specific number. With Xyz you need matching level monsters.

Let alone that Link monsters are insanely powerful compared to most other Extra Deck monsters. Things like Accesscode Talker (which everyone and their mother use due to how easy it is to summon) with its insane attack boost, the fact you can't use traps like War Chariot to negate its effect, and the board wiping it does.

And yes: Turns take FOREVER. And this is not just with Link monsters, but Synchro and Xyz too have gotten to the point where you might as well not have their systems in place. With Synchro you just have people spam summoning into Red Supernova Dragon or Cosmic Blazar Dragon (sometimes BOTH), thus making the game entirely one-sided, barring dropping a Kaiju (aka the cheapest archetype ever made that defeats the entire purpose of the game if you ask me). Or Utopia users who will just spam summon the eponymous Utopia and its myriad of forms, until the field is covered in every form of effect negation and board wiper that again makes the game entirely one-sided. And then if that isn't enough they summon Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder with it its board wipe ability. And none of these monsters mentioned play by the usual Xyz flair: You can just instantly summon by using a single Xyz monster. Not even a Rank-Up-Magic like typical to archetypes like Raidraptors.

Because of this ever increasingly insane power creep, cards that were illegal for a long time like Raigeki and Feather Duster are now staples, and everyone naturally uses Ash Blossom to stop even casuals from using any of their cards. And everyone just uses the same decks pretty much. Because they win. It's only about winning, not having fun or showing off the thousands upon thousands of genuinely interesting archetypes and their themes.

Heck, I've played Master Duel (since it's free) and once when I managed to stop someone from pulling off a fifteen-minute combo, despite still clearly having the advantage, they surrendered. They quit because someone managed to bite back. Shows that Yu-Gi-Oh and its regular playerbase has fully embraced the awful mindset of "win-win-win" and if you're not guaranteed a perfect one-turn-kill, a perfect win, you quit.

This is basically why Equestria Girls: Duel Monsters died. The source material leaves such a bitter taste that I simply lost the inspiration (that and the series veering entirely away from magic and mysticism and instead for Tron and aliens.)

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