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Some days, it feels like the sky itself is falling.
After the destruction of Applejack's prized tree Bloomberg, Braeburn find himself caught between allegiances to his friends, and to a helpless pony who appeared as if from nowhere. Mixing classic wild western adventures with magic and fantasy, The Outlaw, The Star, and the Big, Big Sky tells a story of revenge, redemption, and how the best of intentions can lead to the destruction of the very ground upon which we all stand.

Read it here!

This story was originally started in 2011, shortly after finishing my first story, Macintosh. While Macintosh was a slower paced character study of the Big Mac himself, The Outlaw, The Star, and the Big, Big Sky aims to tell a story full of fairy tale adventure and deadly desperados. 6 Chapters were written, with an extra unfinished chapter recently uploaded, containing a flashback to Braeburn's childhood showing just how dangerous and bloody the untamed deserts can be.

12 years on, I'm hoping for any and all thoughts and feedback on this story. I would love to continue writing from where it was left off, but life is busy and I may not have the time. But if the interest is there, I would at least love to engage and discuss what could have been, and maybe make the time to finish it.
Thank you kindly, and watch out for shooting stars.

I have just published an addendum to the story, containing notes, art, and ideas for how the future of the story could go. I'd be very grateful if you'd take the time to read it here.

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