Fallout Equestria: World 1,108 members · 1,186 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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It's been a while since there's been any activity in this server, but I'm gonna give this a shot:

I've been working on an FoE Story for a long while, and it is on its way to having its Chapter 10 released in the very near future! Been trying to get it out there, and it's been slow, but I still keep pushing.

The story, for the most part, is about a pegasus far from Equestria and far after the end of the original FoE.

Still want to thank a lot of good friends for pushing me to getting it off the ground. Could not have done it without them, and I hope that those who decide to pick up the story enjoy it. ^w^

[Adult story embed hidden]

I'm still here, just don't post. And I hit writer's block hard with my own story.

I have seen your story, and it is in my reading list :)

Heh thanks for noticing! And yeah, writer's block is tough. It kept me down for a while, but I ended up pushing through.

I hope ya enjoy it if you ever come around to it. Not sure if I should put out Chapter updates in a separate forum or just open a new forum every now and then. Ah well, I'll see where that goes.

I have seen yours come around on my feed, though! Haven't gotten around to it, myself, but maybe soon! Just need to get some things squared away.

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