Comments ( 19 )
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I was wondering. Does anyone know or hope that there will be a thestral episode? I mean, there's been six seasons already and still no episodes about bat ponies. I am hoping that they will eventually write one, because it would be awesome if they did. Honestly, everyone would win. The bronies would get their long awaited episode (at least for me), Hasbro would be able to create more toys to sell, and there would be an episode to add to the show, which means the writers would already have something to write about instead of coming up with something new entirely (and maybe even another story arch). It's a win-win-win scenario, so why have they not done it? I'm just looking for some input here people. :applejackunsure:

I thought Fluttershy was a bat pony... and Luna's poor night guard as well.

Have you thought about getting a flying alien queen and modifying a pony to make it a batpony?

5880221 I ment a full episode centered around thestrals, like the one where rainbow and pinkie travel to Gryphonstone and the episode is centered around gryphons.

I'd prefer a guard episode that redeems them but I know that won't happen. Even if they did I wouldn't care much because it wouldn't affect my headcanons in any way


Sorry, I got sidetracked by crazytalk animation tutorial. I have the technology Flash and Crazytalk, just no actors, good microphones, or vocal talents to lend to such a project at the moment.

5880268 That would be cool if thy did.

5880273 Oh yeah, I've seen that animation. It's pretty good. That part about the voice acting is true though.

5880209 id love to see some fluffy eared bat pones, but all we have had so far are teaser bits. if they do appear in an official episode for them, i hope they can come with some deep lore on the side.

5880342 That's exactly what I was (and still am) hoping for too. I am going to be very sad if they never have an episode like that by the end of the show. It would be a waisted opertunity.

I love the idea of a Thestral episode, but really a lot of fans think of Batpones as bad OCs, and other than season two episode 4 does anyone remember seeing one?


The bad future where Nightmare Moon took over.

5880388 I've heard of jokingly moan about red and black alicorns & Mary sue/Garry stu OC, but I don't think I've heard of anyone complain about bay pone OC's.

It's not that they're bad OC's, they're often portrayed as perfectly adorable air-headed minions with the mindset of a puppy. . . which is cute in a lady and the tramp sort of way. But, it seems they're still one step below the CMC if not Wynona in the IQ department. in fact I'd be surprised if the whole race weren't all generated like the Pinkie clones.

I'd love to see it, but I think the show may have painted itself into a corner on the topic. They'd have to explain why we've seen so few of them, what they are exactly (and that alone is the sort of setting in stone of canon that's been consistently avoided for a while now), and they'd need a good history for them (Hearth's Warming comes to mind).

Besides which, we haven't even had a new unicorn colt since Season 2, and that one wasn't so much a colt as he was a teenager doing a job already. So introducing a 'new' race seems kind of out of order if they don't do the other thing first.

All that said, if they do get around to it, I hope they don't go the obvious and easy (and out of character for the setting) route of bat pony racism, and I certainly hope they don't use the word 'thestrals' to describe them. Not a Harry Potter fan, I think you can do better than copying that.

As for plot... use a bat pony instructor whose school is located in bat pony territory. That gives whichever character is the focus an excuse to go and mingle. Maybe Fluttershy is sent to brush up on her nocturnal animal handling skills, or Rainbow Dash learns how to fly in the dark (or just become more aware of her surroundings), or, you know, the obvious plot of Scootaloo wanting to go to Flight Camp and ending up at Bat Camp would work, too. Or any summer camp.

Actually, you know what? There's the episode title, right there: Bat Camp. Somepony wanted to sign up for a boot camp and a clerical error sent them to the bats. Let it progress from there, or work towards whatever the message or moral or 'key scene' is supposed to be.

Edit: and while they're at it, have them make a song inspired by this. Doesn't need to be a total rip, but there's definitely room for application:

5880709 You bring up many good points. If they eventually do an episode on bat ponies (even against the odds) they're going to have to tread lightly. When I say that I mean be careful not to mess up the shows cannon without a hitch. But I still wish that they would do an episode.

Also, that song would fit well (or at least something similar).

5880564 it looked like they were normal colors and only have tails and colors pasted on. But a good call.

5880688 I. Not complaining, people so touchy about things as of late. They only show up one time, other than two episodes, the last one they looked like they were pasted on, and I really do think their cute, I love bats in real life, and Thestrals are pure adorible...


Rainbow was the only one without tufted ears though.

5880209 I'd like an episode around Thestrals. Not only I like the way they look, but it would be new worldbuilding and I always welcome that. But then I'd be wanting some sort of "sun-pony" because Thestrals are definitively liked to the night in my head.

Another reason I'd like an episode about thestrals, is because there are those two guards with Luna. i want to know more about them.

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