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if DSL was in the late 90s or not, i remeber it kicked off when the 2000s hit but i can't for the life of me remeber it come before that.

i know dial up was huge in the 90s because it gotten cheaper and cheaper over the years but ican't remember if DSL speeds was in the late 90s or a 2000s

and if it was in the late 90s how much would it been?

am asking this for the story of
Weekend Fun and Headache

I don't even remember either, Maybe it's another butterfly effect or something like for example

"Ford" the 'f' was supposed to be curved not blunt or it's neither so we may never know unless someone know something

btw that F thing in ford is clues that we are both right and wrong at the same time given the human memeroy it bad at times.

but ya dial up that was a thing for sure there was tv commicel and everything for it in the 90s and those "get 1000 hours of free dial up internet" cds and more.

but for DSL its unsure it was every sold to the public in the 90s becasue its like how dial up in the 80s was only 300 bend (300 bits) and in the stock market like the new york stocks and more they would have higher internet speeds then the every day person, and that still happen to this day like how NSAS have close to 100 GPS speeds when the most high end speed for the everyday person is 1 GPS

I'm pretty sure DSL Was invented (to me at least) in 80's, Though my memory and a search for it's origin was still unclear, Not sure why i keep Getting these info though

ah found it took some time turn out theres a other type of DSL not one given out by the big guys but still being used.

turn out theres one that use phones lines like dial up and its call Asymmetric digital subscriber line or ADSL it come out in the summer time of 1998, theres no history of its price but am going to take a shot in the dark that it was not cheap when it frist come out given dial up top speed is 56kbps

its top speed at the time for download is 8Mbit/s and upload is 1 and the next year seeing it was "lite" verison is 1.5 and download is 0.5

so ya i can now say for sure there was DSL back then but most would been used for bussince people at the time

ty and have a nice day

Folks are already well into the answers here but I'll chip in:
Yes, DSL did exist. DSL was invented in the 80s and is still sold today (outside of cities aka the boonies). The DSL everyone had was (and still is) ADSL. Don't let the extra letter fool you. Folks have also kind of touched on the speeds - when DSL first came out it was well under 1 Meg. 256k is still waaaaaaaay more than 56k. The big reason DSL took off so much (and is still sold at all) is because it works on the existing phone lines already all over the world. When you can use what's already out there, you save a ton of money.
I didn't have DSL back then and I still haven't found an exact price point. I want to say I paid $20 / month for dial up between say 96 and 2003. Keep in mind, back then, dial up wasn't as terrible as it is today because the internet as a whole was built to work with it (no huge pictures, no huge video, no streaming). Kind of like how they didn't have 4 lane highways in the days of the horse and buggy - they simply weren't needed.
Source: have worked for a national telco for 8 years now :)

Another note on speeds:
Speed has always been determined by the distance between your house and the phone company gear. The closer you are to the phone company office the more options and higher speed you have. The general rule I tell people is - you can have a great view out of your house or high speed internet but not both.
Now that fiber optic connections can come all the way to the house that's finally starting to ease up some. Glass and lasers don't care about distance so much. That still isn't everywhere though and the initial setup still costs a ton.
And if you want to go all super villains lair style and have high speed data to your mountain fortress, you're going to have to spend 10's of thousands of dollars to put the gear in. Your neighbors will be able to buy it at normal price once you've made the initial effort though :)


thx for your input dude, I ask this because of the story, if you read it its base on what I can remember and look up on old tech to now.

I remember to dial up all to well have it all the way up until I was 11 years old I was born in 1994 and didn't really use the internet at its fullest until I was 10 thx to Google helping to find sites, played a lot of online games and Runescape too. I didn't started hanging out on fourms and social sites until I was in my middle school years.

back then I use dial-up a lot until we got real internet because it was super cheap and easy to find those cds with lots of free hours on them (if i remember right I got in trouble for hanging up the phone line all the time)

also if you can remeber price of back then that will also help my story

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