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Greetings, and welcome to voting week for Crack Ships Inc. October prompt contest!

The Rules:

Everybody gets 1 vote. You choose your favourite fic, and then either post a comment below or send me a PM if you wish to remain anonymous with the name of the fic you are voting for. Voting ends on the 1st of November!
The fic with the most votes, wins!

Okay, now for the entries! This month, we have two great fics!
Once In A Lifetime by dramatic_spoon
Beats and Turnips by Random_User

Which fic will win? It all depends on your vote, so vote for your favourite!
I'd also like some feedback on what you thought of the selection of ponies you had to ship, or any other parts of the contest. It looks like I'll be putting up the November contest too, so I want to know if there's any way I can improve.

2030854 I vote Beats and Turnips by Random_User.

I vote for Once in a llifetime, me faffing about is below explaining why I picked it.

I was torn and to some extent I still am.

On the one hand Once in a lifetime was adorable. I really liked the ship as it felt very natural and the story flowed beautifully. On the other it felt incredibly short and almost more like a first chapter rather than a standalone. It happens:twilightsmile:

Beats and Turnips was also stunning. I loved the ship, it was adorable and funny as all get out. I loved the ocs Salt Shaker and Hard Times, they really made the fic for me. On the other hand to suddenly go "I love you" after not seeing each other for years and only knowing each other for a week felt way too fast. You can't know someone in that short a time, say, you want to fall for them sure but saying it's love makes it sound like two lovesick teenagers.

In the end I think I gotta go with Once in a lifetime. It was short and sweet and to fault the author for making it so short when they were writing on a deadline feels kind of unfair.

I still applaud both authors for amazing works and thank you to TwilightAmory for running this while our glorious leader is indisposed.

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