Crack Ships Inc. 612 members · 878 stories
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Throwing this out here, sense...well, no one's really heard from ProfCharles for a while.
Presumably he's off doing real life things that are more important.

It's be like the Unofficial one we had back in May, we'll follow the same rules, yadda, yadda yadda.

anyone interested?

Yes, I was actually thinking of posting something like this yesterday. I haven't wrote anything pony in ages, but I'd be willing to give it a shot. Or I could come up with a group of 6 characters to ship with eachother.


If you want to run it, be my guest.

1869727 Alright, I'll post a prompt for October tonight at some point.

If I may put my two bits in, I would like to suggest something. Not too long ago a challenge was issued in the forums by supahmariobroz223. The forum post can be found here.

We could adopt his challenge as the official non-official prompt for the month of October. It would knock out two parasprites with one stone.

By the way, has anyone even heard from our fearless leader? I'm starting to get a bit worried for the guy.

1872372 As far as I know, no one has written a story in response to that challenge. Perhaps it's because not enough time has passed, but I think it might be that the challenge is too limiting to be a prompt. I know for a fact that I took no interest in it because it A) forced us to pair someone up with a character I didn't care about at all, and B) forced us to write a mare x stallion relationship, which isn't something I like to do often.

As a compromise, I suggest we take the characters in his challenge (Gizmo, Roseluck, Sunset Shimmer, and Zecora) and add another mare and another stallion to make it the usual set of 6 characters that you can ship with eachother in whichever way you wish. Would this be okay with everyone?

I haven't heard from our leader in a while, and his profile says he hasn't been here in 3 weeks. I know he mentioned something about writing a thesis last spring, so maybe he's doing some post-grad education or he might have a job that keeps him busy.

1873948 I didn't mean it like that at all! I would love to see your prompt. The last one you created was great. Please don't change what you wanted to do because of my comment.

I just thought if you wanted to take the idea and run with it, It could be interesting. I'm flattered that you took my suggestion that seriously, but I can tell it's not what you wanted to do. I would feel guilty if you changed what you had in mind. Especially since you are taking this on all on your own.


Personally I'd rather see a new six.

1875398 I agree. The more I think about it, the more I realize that my idea was horrible and ill thought out. I should have kept my mouth shut.

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