Adopt a Human 1,689 members · 271 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Group Admin

I hope you enjoy it, I poured my heart into it.

Toby and Fluttershy meet their counterparts Hope and Butterscotch.

Group Admin

1645584 Oh, Butterscotch is his name. I forgot. :facehoof: Anyways though, I absolutely love it! Toby is captured perfectly with his appearance, and Hope is so much like him, except of course female version. :twilightblush:

Group Admin

Thanks buddy you deserve all the credit.

1645584 That's an Awesome Drawing. Nice Job! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

I'm so happy you think so :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

I'm glad some people liked it, maybe I need to send it to a professional vector artist.

Group Admin

1645584 You accepted my challenge, and won flawlessly.

Group Admin

i tried my best I just hope that one day when Poeticheart becomes famous, he'll look back at all of this and smile.

Group Admin

1652013 I told you, I don't write to become famous, I write because I love it, and I am just touched, honored, and humbled that I am able touch so many others with my stories. So if I eve did become famous, I owe all that to everyone on here, because this site, and everyone I have met on here inspired me to do something I never thought I could do and that is write full length stories.:pinkiehappy:

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