World War Bronies 734 members · 129 stories
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The sooner EA and DICE dies, the better.

BF V is 0retty bad but the fucking campaign has nothing to do with it, since when did people even give a shit about a battlefield campaign?
The MP is shit so complain about that.
Btw dice has little do do with this BS last I checked they were just getting squeezed to pump out shit games annually thanks to a bunch of suits over at E.A

I give a shit about campaign. Lots of people give a shit about campaign. If you want a multiplayer only game buy that. The campaign in battlefield is just bad. 1 was disappointing, and 5 is moreso

DICE and EA don't actually care about either the players, history, or actually telling interesting stories about those who don't get as much attention, because if they did they wouldn't have to fabricate so much drack to fit modern day values. Truth be honest all three war stories (not including the "Last Tiger") could have been very interesting if they made them longer and actually cared about the subjects and people they are presenting.

Under No Flag: The Special Boat Service is a unique and interesting unit to follow for a story that hasn't had any time to shine in any media really. While I personally was not really upset about the story of the grizzled old veteran and the young rookie criminal, and having some humor wasn't all that bad, but it could have been better. Like the second video states, you didn't have to have to have a criminal in what was a organization comprised of Royal Marines, but say a young Marine, who has yet to see real combat and on his first mission, while cliche would have been more interesting. It would have made the relationship between him and the commander more believable and enjoyable to watch, as long as they cut back on some of the goofy humor and actually put in some real black humor, not what we got. A few more missions would have been nice, especially if they were set in other places like Italy, or Greece as they mentioned. Also to add more to the story, they should have had teamwork and cooperation between the rookie and the commander to add more to their relationship, instead of the Rambo stuff.

Nordlys: There was no need for this story to have just be copied and pasted a real operation and added a mother and daughter if they wanted to tell a story about women in WW2. Not only does it detract from the real event but it also makes the story really shallow and convoluted, for the sake of having "strong female characters". Just typing "Female Norwegian Resistance Fighters" gave me a real lady that DICE could have used. Anne Margrethe Strømsheim, a nurse in the Norwegian Army she fought, and I mean fought, with the military during the German Invasion of Norway, specifically the Siege of Hera Fortress, as well as became a resistance fighter during the occupation. She won the Norwegian War Medal, the Defense Medal 1940–1945 and the HM The King's Medal of Merit in gold. If they really were concerned about "diversity" in their games they would have put the time and effort to look the history up and used stores and people like this instead of creating lazy fictional drack.

Tirailleur: I for one have long been an advocate with video games and other media about WW2 that they should/could include other peoples and nations that fought in the war. I always thought that a game where you could play as the Chinese, Indians, Gurkas, Brazilians, or any of the dozens other nations and ethnic groups who aren't American, British, or Russian would be a very unique and entertaining story and I had hopes with this war story about the Senegalese troops but they completely dropped the ball. A over pandering story that diminishes the real struggles of the French African troops, the values of the times, and the real history for the sake of a cartoon episode level story about "Why Racism is Wrong". First off I disagree with American Krogan and a couple of others who talked about the Senegalese to say that they were treated equally by the French; Black troops were payed less, racial and cultural basis did cause French officials and others to look down upon the them, there was a plan following the Liberation of Paris that colonial troops were to be replaced by French troops for the sake of propaganda among other reasons, and so forth. Things were not hunky dory back in 1944 but that doesn't detract that this war story wants nothing to do in actually talking about these issues, instead pushing modern values on 1940s African soldiers, such as immigration and modern concepts of racism, undermining both the efforts of White French troops and Black African troops, and ignoring the often complex relationship between both groups. The videos already talk about the troops so I won't go into. If DICE wanted to talk about the problems that groups liked the Tirailleur faced, the story is still salvageable but it requires fixing the dialogue and changing the issues from the modern day to the time period in question. Instead of the two brother arguing over "proving themselves" change it instead to issues of colonization, more specifically why should Africans be fighting a war they had no choice in joining to fight in a foreign land to liberate a country that wasn't theirs. This fits in perfectly as many African veterans of WW2 and veteran organizations were leaders and supporters of the decolonization movement and Independence movements in Africa after the war. This simple change in issues changes the dialogue completely and makes it more in line to issues of the day. This changes also improves the story: you still have the two brothers, the cautious older brother, and the war hungry younger brother but instead of the younger one arguing to gain acceptance we have arguments between the two over trying to survive the war to go home. The older brother has seen his friends and comrades die for a conflict that he dosn't understand and begs his younger brother to calm his ways. The two argue, fight the Germans, leading to the climax with the older brother dying and the younger brother realizing his grand ideas of war is all but wrong and understands what his brother tried warning him in the first place. A much more compelling story premise then the one they had and just with a simple change in dialogue and focal point.

Simply my message to people like DICE and EA or anyone else who makes stories set in the past, do your research, respect those you are representing, and don't create fabricated fiction when their is a real and much more interesting tale to tell.

It was bad but wasnt really the worst part of it, from what I've seen it was mediocre and the sticking point I had was the lack of actual content

It wouldn't surprise me if the game is still broken as hell.

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