The Bionicle Group 241 members · 63 stories
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Hello everypony, I am considering doing a crossover but it's been forever and a half since I've read or watched anything Bionicle related, and I need a refreshment of my knowledge. If anyone wouldbe willing to give me a little briefing on the basics of Bionicle lore it would be greatly appreciated

2042256 Which parts? I'm a friggin' enycolpedia.

2042273 then tell me all you know. :pinkiesmile:

Comment posted by The Traveler12 deleted Oct 28th, 2013
Metroid Prime
Group Admin

2042273>>2042287 so am I:pinkiecrazy:

To everyone who offered: fire away fellas!

2042379 I honestly feel stupid for not thinking of the wiki... Thank you very much

Toa Coy
Group Admin

2042732 01 quest for the mask storyline, The Toa Mata arrivie fight rahi and find masks to face the makuta. 02 The borhok war, spherical robots with organic masks appear and start destroying the island when the toa defeat the learders of the borhok the Toa Mata are transformed into the Toa Nuva. 03 the kal and the mask of light, elite memebers of the borhok try and failed to free their queens while Takua finds the mask of light and the makuta fails to stop him. 04 Metru Nui, The turaga's backstory and they trap the makuta. 05 web of shadows, the turaga get transformed into half rahi and vakama goes dark vader on us but is turned good again they are cured and the makuta escape. 06 Voya Nui, six thugs pose as toa that beat the toa nuva with new toa defeating the thugs and chasing the mask of life. 07 marhi nui, the new toa are transformed by the mask of life to breath under water there one of them uses the mask of life to save the great spirit. 08 the final battle, Toa nuva go to the center of the universe and wakes the great spirit but the makuta takes over his body with the great spirit in the mask of life. 09 Bara manga, great spirit gets a prototype body and prepares to fight the makuta. 10 Journey's End, end of the storyline. 11 beyond the end, see this site for that information.

2042256 is the place to get literally EVERY scrap of story out there. Everything you need to know you can find there.

Toa Coy
Group Admin

2043187 guess he is going to get spammed with BS01 from others not reading the comments

2042732 I've found it's often best to start at the very beginning of a story, so I'll do that. :moustache: It begins on the planet of Spherus Magna, where a group of crazy powerful immortals called the Great Beings created the Agori, a race of intelligent biomechanicals, who were divided into several different types distinguished by color.
Once they got bored with the Agori, the Great Beings created the Elemental Lords to keep an eye on them while they went and did other stuff. Everything was all fine and dandy until a couple of Agori accidentally discovered Energized Protodermis, a substance that will either vaporize or mutate/enhance a lifeform upon contact with it. The Elemental Lords go to war with each other over it in what would be called the Core War.
The Great Beings realized that the energized protodermis came from the planetary core, and that tapping it would destabilize the whole planet. They told the Elemental Lords and asked them to stop, but they didn't listen. The Ice Tribe would gain control of the spring just long enough to tap it and make Spherus Magna split into three planetoids, (Bara Magna, Aqua Magna, and Bota Magna) in what would be appropriately named the Shattering; before that could happen, however, the Great Beings went to plan B.
They constructed a 40-million-foot tall robot (Mata Nui), populated primarily with workers they modeled after the Agori (the Matoran); Mata Nui's mission was to explore space, observing and analyzing the intelligent species he saw, figure out how to prevent what went wrong on Spherus Magna in the future, and then come back and restore the planet. (Mata Nui's body had a prototype, but its power core was unstable and it fell apart.)
Cut to the interior of the Mata Nui robot (referred to as the Matoran Universe in the fandom, it's not until late in the story that anyone realizes their whole world is a giant spaceship-mech) some time later, and unfortunately the Barraki, six warlords with anger issues, are trying to conquer the whole place. Some of Mata Nui's own creations, the Brotherhood of Makuta, defeat this uprising, but many of them feel as though they are unappreciated by the Matoran. One of the Makuta, Teridax, realizes that although the Barraki were unable to pull it off, he could, with the help of his brothers. So, he dethrones the Brotherhood's original leader, Miserix, and secretly begins to plot against the Matoran...
Teridax's original plan was simply to kidnap the Matoran of the city of Metru Nui (more or less Mata Nui's brain), and put them into stasis pods that would brainwash/mindwipe them into thinking he was their savior, this is for the most part foiled by the Toa Metru (Toa are elemental heroes sworn to the Matoran, main protagonists for most of the story), the Matoran are moved to an island that the Toa name Mata Nui after their "Great Spirit" (they think Mata Nui's a god), and the Toa Metru give up their power to reawaken the Matoran, being transformed into Turaga in the process (the Bionicle equivalent of a senior citizen); however they were in the pods for some time and still lost pretty much all their memories, and Mata Nui's fallen into a coma (nobody in the "brain", remember). The Turaga decide not to tell the Matoran about Metru Nui, and instead build villages on the island, with the Turaga acting as village elders, and live as such for a while until the Toa Mata show up out of nowhere, also with a case of amnesia, however they know they are supposed to beat Teridax (who's taken up residence underneath the island to get at the Matoran) and reawaken the Great Spirit. They accomplish this and the Turaga decide to finally reveal Metru Nui and the events that transpired there, and the Matoran move back.
It's discovered that Mata Nui is dying... which is bad; the Toa Mata (now upgraded into the Toa Nuva by an accidental dip in energized protodermis) go to the faraway island of Voya Nui to find the legendary Mask of Life to save him, but then disappear. Six Matoran go after them, and upon arrival on Voya Nui get transformed into the Toa Inika (that kind of thing can happen sometimes), and, after saving the Toa Nuva from some ex-bounty hunter punks called the Piraka, go to get it done themselves.
The Toa Nuva go to Karda Nui, the core of the Matoran Universe, to finally reawaken Mata Nui, but when it's done they discover that in the brief moment when Mata Nui was brought back to life, Teridax's consciousness slipped into his body before Mata Nui's could get back in, so when the body was reawakened Teridax was placed in control of the Matoran Universe on a fundamental level. :rainbowderp:
Teridax locks Mata Nui's essence inside the Mask of Life and ejects it into space. Fortunately, it manages to crash on the desert planet of Bara Magna, where the mask forms Mata Nui a normal sized body, and he discovers that the Agori are now settling disputes over resources in the arena, rather on the battlefield. He unites the tribes against the Skrall, a conqueror tribe of Agori intent on eliminating the others, and subsequently discovers the remains of his old prototype body, which the Agori help him reassemble. Teridax shows up just in time for a final battle, Mata Nui eventually kills him by slamming his head against Bota Magna. :pinkiecrazy: He reunites the fragments of Spherus Magna, and returns his essence to the Mask of Life, deciding to go dormant so the Matoran can step out from under his shadow.

Was that a little too in-depth? :duck:

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