Miss Harshwhinny is Best Pony 397 members · 94 stories
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Group Admin

Hey guys, I heard this was the off-tropic thread, so I thought I'd post this:

Group Contributor

Hey. Hey..Heyheyhey.


--A!Blue, because even dying from poison in a jungle won't stop him from trying to derail a thread

Group Admin

I'm not typically one for "Husband/Wife" shipping and other weird fetishy stuff like that, but I have to admit that Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are slowly breaking down my resistance. I have noticed, however, that the fandom has not created a pithy little one-word moniker for this 'ship, and I propose that we try and discover one. I vote we call Cadance/Shining Armor shipping "Shinance". Anyone opposed?


How about "Dancing Armor"?

Group Admin

That sounds like a poorly-conceived Dungeons and Dragons monster.

Group Admin

"Princess Shining Armor"!

Group Admin

No. Just no.

Group Admin

Would a Shiny / Cadance / Twilight three-way romance be "Twinance"? I need a way to refer to all the things I do with my Mini Pony Wedding Set.

Look at the smoldering passion in those eyes.


The proper way to refer to that three way pairing is "Incest". Or, actually. to properly indicate Cadance's involvement, "Incest Cadance".


So if we were to create a group for shipping the three of them, would it then be "Incest Cadance Needs Our Help"?

Group Admin

Their magic cannot last forever!


Group Admin

Really skilled Cadance/Shining Armor/Twilight shippers could be called "Twinancial experts".

Leading Twinancial experts forecast a strong market for the first fiscal quarter!


As long as there aren't any tiny ewes involved. Though maybe a flugelhorn...

Group Admin

Flugelewe is my favorite 'ship!


Oh, I don't know. After "True, True Friend", I tend to ship Twilight Sparkle x Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash x Rarity x Applejack x Pinkie Pie.

Rarity needs your help, she's trying hard, doing what she can.
Would you try, just give it a chance, you might find that you start to understand.

It's so obviously a song about shipping all of the mane 6 together...

Group Admin


That's a little mundane. Personally, I ship LunestiTwiAppleFlutterDashiPieitylunestia. All the Mane 6, both celestial alicorns, and then both celestial alicorns again (mirror pool). It's a good 'ship because all the characters' interpersonal problems are dwarfed by the sheer physical problem of where to put everypony, a task which requires a master's degree in cartography.

Group Contributor

First, you have to factor in at least one duplicate Pinkie if they're going to the mirror pool. There's no way she wouldn't jump in to show them how it was done.

But the bigger problem is, you'd still have to have one of the alicorns taking care of raising the sun and the moon. That ship works a lot better if you get Mirror!Luna running the empire (since she never fell victim to the Nightmare), and then put a winged triad in the clouds above the palace while the rest crowd onto Celestia's oversized bed.

Then DashFluLight while LunaCelsRareApplePies.

Group Contributor

952654 952349
>> I vote we call Cadance/Shining Armor shipping "Shinance".
> How about "Dancing Armor"?


Group Admin

Now I want to write a Discord/Spike/Rarity fic for the sole reason that I would be able to tag it "Disparity".

Hmmm. Haven't been offtopic in a bit. In this thread, that is.

Anyone else laugh themselves silly at this? (Admittedly, I didn't have far to go.)

Group Admin

Who the hell wrote that comic? I don't much care for it.

Group Admin

Um, that's mine.

Group Admin

You're right. I did not write, draw, nor create any of those characters.

What I did do was help make a comic strip so great that, four years down the road, people would pay money to me personally for the privilege of doing my job for me.

Who's an awesome pony? I is, I is, Sky-wri-ter.

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor

You know, it's funny. I post the first song lyrics I've written in quite a while here, knowing that a spot or two could use work.

And not only does everypony like them, somepony actually sings them on youtube.

Makes me wish I'd been able to think about something involving Miss Harshwhinny, rather then just 502 errors.

Bad Gateway
[Cutie Mark Crusaders]
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

[Apple Bloom]
First we thought fimfiction was really, really sweet
Some new fics to have, and it seemed like such a treat

But then we found the truth 'bout the server that they leased
It went from fab, yeah, to a pain, and then it ceased.

[Apple Bloom]
And everywhere we click, it's just a page ahead

[Cutie Mark Crusaders]
Bad Gateway, Bad Gateway, what we gonna do?
Loading the page is gonna fail,
It's gonna die, it's gonna bail

Bad Gateway, Bad Gateway, if you get a 502,
It won't run, it's down for me.
Gotta wait, don't you see?

Bad Gateway, Bad Gateway, it's just a bad, bad gateway.

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

[Apple Bloom]
Reloading constantly, well we know it isn't right
But Cutie Mark Crusader 'fics are somewhere on this site.

Oh, the page will load soon, and then we'll have some peace again
But for now, we'll keep refreshing until then

[Apple Bloom]
And everywhere we click, it's just a page ahead

[Cutie Mark Crusaders]
Bad Gateway, Bad Gateway, what we gonna do?
Loading the page is gonna fail,
It's gonna die, it's gonna bail

Bad Gateway, Bad Gateway, if you get a 502,
It won't run, it's down for me.
Gotta wait, don't you see?

Why so buggy? Why won't it load?
Why so laggy? Why has it slowed?
Can't it be nice? Can't I pm friends?
Isn't it sad? Is this how fimfiction ends?

Bad Gateway, Bad Gateway, it's just a bad, bad-
Bad Gateway, Bad Gateway, it's just a bad, bad-
Bad Gateway, Bad Gateway-

It's just a bad, bad gateway!

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Maybe you should sing it! In public!

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