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I have posted 4 stories. 1 is good, 2 are mediocre, and 1 sucked. The strange thing is, the lesser of the two mediocre stories has the Greatest amount of views by a extreme margin. *scribble scribble* is my best story, but not my most viewed one. Any suggestions?

It helps to have friends to shamelessly plug your work for you. If you've got any brony friends and you're comfortable with publicly sharing your work without the anonymity of the interwebs, then do so. Word of mouth helps a lot.

Whore it out to every group willing to take it.

Well... Stephen King mentioned something in his book On Writing about considering the audience you are writing for. Perhaps the audience that these stories appealed to was simply greatly differing in terms of population. Also, the time at which your fic gets uploaded sometimes can make a difference... after all, if your fic goes up on the site in the "new stories" panel on the front page, its great, unless its at a time when only 8 people are watching :twilightsheepish:.

1119920 1119922 Sadly I go to a small town school my dad works at. There is only one other pegasister and one brony, both in much lower grades then mine.

And I thought I posted it in all the groups I could.

1119931 It was probably timing.

1119934 Hmm... Well, in that case best advice I can give is just to give it some time. Popularity is a fickle beast. What gets down-voted one day will be up-voted another. My story From the Outside In is a pretty good case and point.

Another thing, why write for recognition? Sure its nice when people appreciate your hard work and praise you for it, but if that's the only reason you do anything then you're doing it for the wrong reason. I could honestly care less what my stories get rated, I enjoy writing them and that's all that matters to me. Love what you do and you'll tend to find that other people will too for the most part.


You don't need to have RL friends to shamelessly whore it out to.. just involve yourself in some online circles... I like to hang tight with the LBGT, HAB, TCB, Military, WBG, CGOTG... so I know that when I finally get my current work finished, I can channel it through them to get a fair bit of buzz going. However, I don't plug all my shit, and I share with them all the stuff that I don't publish, to let em know that I care about their opinions on my work.

Just saying, if you want to get anywhere in this world, networking is everything. You can be the world's greatest author, but if you don't talk to anyone, you will just be some unknown hermit, whose greatness will not be realized until long after you are dead, and someone with great networking skills finds your works, and decides you were skipped over.

1119948 it isn't the rating (I'm happy with 25 to 2) it's just that my much worse rated story (33 to 10) has so many more views and it confuses me!

1119959 Jackshine had the right of it mein herr (my friend). Timing, and the subject matter might have something to do with that. In any case give it some more time. Got about twenty views in one day, which admittedly shocked me, and the next I only got another three. Its just the way these things work. Sorry if I'm not that helpful. Advice on these sorts of things isn't my strong suite. Still, hope I've at least helped a bit.

1119985>>1119953 1119922 Thanks for taking the time to offer me advice *group hug* I appreciate it.

1120055 Hey man, no problem. Its a community for a reason yes? -Brohoof-

...Also... Please no breaking of the ribs. They've never been the same since that Pinkie hug :twilightoops:

1119959 don't put too much stock in views, all that means is someone thought the idea was worth a look, not that the story was good. Look to your higher rated fics for what to be proud of.

Views has a lot to do with cover art, timing (Monday and Tuesday as best) and how many followers you have. Only the last one has to do with writing, and only stuff you've already written.

1120315 thanks as well, btw where did you get your username.

1119953 couldn't agree more about networking. that's why fame is a game where you are the most well-respected, most popular guy in existence.

1119908 it might be the topic you write about, that might interest people at first, but aren't those that would leave ratings / are anonymous on the interwebz


JackShine On EQLA Military Panel

I work in a lab with no windows, no one knows what I do or where I do it, so I have made leaps and bounds in my networking abilities in the last 2 years, and now I just need to get back to producing again. :rainbowlaugh:

1121715 by lab i hope u meant producing lab, and by producing I hope u meant music.

... dude, what's a music producer without networking? You're doing it all wrong :pinkiecrazy: Do it in reverse :D


Uhh no, I'm active duty USAF. So by lab I mean... laboratory.

1121731 Oh. :disappointedface:

Then that's quite excusable. WELCOME!

1121731>>1121735 ... Wow... I meet some weird bronys.

1121876 welcome to the internet, where my sacred playground will be your worst nightmare :pinkiecrazy:

1120327 college, all those many years ago. It's essentially random (unless I give away some very personal details) but I can use it just about anywhere.

1121987 Vikinga Hooves, Viking (female) and Derpy

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